
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

Hopefully the system can be changed. It's evident that it needs to be addressed after the discovery and public rage against the monetary practices.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 11 hours ago

Yeah, it's legal to purchase and own a Cybertruck in Europe.

You just can't legally drive it on public roads, because it hasn't passed the safety tests.

They haven't even attempted, because it is evident that it will fail. So, they have not introduced the vehicle for sale in Europe

If you see one, it's probably a gimmick showcase thing. They did tour a demo model around for tv stations earlier this year, but I'm not sure what the purpose was. It was basically mocked everywhere it went.

It's possible and perfectly legal to import it yourself and then... put it in a garage or drive around your mansion all day long if you want.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 14 hours ago

The sand silo heating projects that I've read about are used to feed the excess energy from electricity to central heating. The heat can be stored for months, but converting it back to electricity wouldn't be very efficient. It's "only" viable in places with district heating.

There are other power-to-x technologies out there, like splitting water to hydrogen and oxygen, and these are all good ways to use excess energy, but they won't help on stabilizing the electricity production. Hopefully these technologies can create enough demand for electricity that the prices will always be worth it for the producers, so they can begin (over)producing enough renewable energy to cover the baseload at all times.

The gas production in early 1900s sort of did the same. The gas was produced for heating and light, but the byproducts of gas production lead to all kinds of other very cheap chemicals and products. Similarly we need to think of excess electricity as a very cheap byproduct and invent uses for it, instead of attempting to "balance" it.

In my opinion, this shows why privatization of electricity production is an obstruction. It would have been easier to transition completely to renewable energy if it was a state monopoly setting a fixed price to enable overproduction without regard to price fluctuations.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 16 hours ago

They have $44 billion dollar bills to wipe away the tears.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Yes, for some things. Some tasks are better done summarized. Cleaning generally isn't, because it easily conflicts with other tasks when not done.

I'm a rather busy family man, so if I have 20 minutes to cook a meal for the family before I have to drive someone somewhere it can really mess up the entire day schedule if the sink is full of dishes and the trash bin is topped up with unsorted garbage. So I try to be on top of it for my own sake. "Keep the tools sharp" goes for everything, even a diaper supply.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

If it comes up the basement drain, then the obstruction is further down, and so you can't really flush it from the drain and out. You need to find the sewer service well further out and flush it from there and in.

It's likely a broken pipe taking in sand or branches, so flushing it won't be a permanent fix. A plumber can probably fix it from outside too, so it doesn't have to be very expensive.

You don't need to waste your money on snakes and that kind of stuff. If a regular hose on full blast can't loosen the obstruction from outside, then you need a plumber anyway.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I clean up when I'm done. Never leave dishes in the sink and such. I'm not a cleaning freak or anything, it's just that I prefer not having to deal with these kind of obstacles before I can begin doing something else in that area.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Jeg tror ikke gør den store forskel i denne undersøgelse. Offentligt ansatte som også er medlem af Lederne er typisk ansat i funktioner hvor de godt kan forhandle om løn mere frit. Det er altså i forvejen en noget selektiv gruppe at lave undersøgelse på. De har mere tilfælles mellem offentlig og privat end de har med alm. lønmodtagere.

Løndannelse indenfor det offentlige er heller ikke så låst som det rygtes. Det er bare meget mere struktureret end i det private. På visse måder er det nemmere at få lønforhøjelse i det offentlige. Det kommer ikke af sig selv, men hvis man tager noget uddannelse, så kan man også forlange mere løn hver gang der deles ud af lønbudgettet.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Americans generate the majority of English-language Internet content.


There are 1.3 billion people who use English on the internet as a first or second language.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The gif is of a 2 year old Indonesian kid who made the internet rounds some years ago for smoking two packs a day and the parents "couldn"t stop him".

He quit smoking later though.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

I doubt that's deliberate (it's probably depending on some other task or shit that you don't even intend to use), but it's exactly the kind of bloat that turns people away from Windows.

Windows seems to work alright for my work pc, where I'm constantly logged into their cloud, newer switch users, logged in long enough daily to get all the updates and have IT to roll out stuff, so I hardly ever have issues there.

My personal computer is a different thing. I have several users, use it about once weekly, making it basically unbootable. As soon as I open the lid, Microsoft starts bugging me to do a shit load of things and download gigabytes of crap that Microsoft, and not I, needs me to do before I can even use it. More often than not I simply close the lid again.

It's not unusual to meet people who don't even have a pc these days. Most people can solve their daily stuff on any cell phone browser. I find it kinda amusing that Microsoft is pushing people that way.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 days ago

They definitely do show sympathy, sadness, fear and joy, which are unrelated to being rewarded with food and trained behaviour.

I don't see why they shouldn't have a full range of emotions. It seems simpler and more natural than developing a transactional response only.

The bigger question is what emotions even are. If it's a chemical or biological reaction then it'd be weird if other mammals didn't have about the same emotions as humans.

It's difficult to see how an animal feels unless you know it well. I can mostly see how my own dog is doing, but I have no idea what mood a random dog on the street is in.


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Lemmy's årlige "place" er begyndt, hvis I har lyst til at deltage. Jeg har dårligt tid i år, men et par pixels skal der nok blive tid til. Reglerne er vist ligesom sidste år.


Jeg skal reparere murværk omkring en yderdør i en kælder. Tømreren som lavede døren har slået ret store stykker af muren af omkring hele murhullet, så det er lidt mere end en tynd pudsning som skal til.

Jeg vil ikke bygge en lysning af træ/gips men bare mure op, pudse og male. Det passer bedst med resten af kælderen hvor det hele bare er gammelt murværk og puds.

Jeg tænker på at lave midlertidige støtter af brædder for at få det nogenlunde lige, særligt i toppen, men det bliver alligevel nogle dybe ujævnheder som skal udfyldes. Jeg er derfor i tvivl om det kan gøres med "universal mørtel" som måske kun er egnet til tynd pudsning eller om der skal bruges noget mere cement-agtigt som kan holde til større dybde. Altså, jeg vil hellere lave en god solid fyldning end at skulle vente på at 10 lag af tynd puds tørrer. Jeg kan ikke rigtigt finde sådan et produkt?

Skal/kan man evt. fylde op med mindre stykker mursten eller andet undervejs?

Hvordan gør man?


How do I best view tabs from pages like ultimate guitar and others on a phone browser, so that the chords and lyrics match up? I know on pc they usually show up fine in notepad or with ASCII fixed sys font, but I can't quite figure out how to set it up for easy browsing on an android phone. I tried copying it to other apps but none of them have a fixed width font.

How do you do it?


Denmark just had the national entry contest today.

The winner was Saba with the song "Sand". Linked in the post.

The top three final also included the 2014 winner Basim with the song "Johnny" and Janus Wiberg from Faroe Islands with the song "I need your love". Both received more audience votes than the winner, but the jury votes had put Saba ahead from the start.

cha cha cha (

Anyone else ready to go again?

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