Oh fuck chat guess I’m cooked.
For real though, I’m sorry for whatever’s going (or not going) on in your life that’s led to you behaving like this online.
You posted this whole fucking thing, got so hot and bothered that you took fucking screenshots and marked them up with “arrows”, and you didn’t even realize that this whole time the OP here said NEWS not WORLD NEWS, you insipid fool.
Between myself and the other person you’ve seen NEWS by itself mentioned like 15 times. The only person that’s ever mentioned WORLD NEWS is yourself. Do you actually consider yourself to be a serious person, because my god man you come across as everything but.
Jesus fucking shit bro. Do you see that part of the other posters comment that I helpfully quoted for you?
Go back and read what’s in the quote inset again, then address it. Or you can just keeping playing this coy, smug, shit licking game that literally everyone can see straight through I guess. You’re not clever my dude, you’re a fucking hollow, empty, sad, pathetic person.
Fuck off with that shit dude. I had a massively herniated disc, l5-s1, that’s led to numbness in my leg and foot as well as chronic back pain. I’m not doubled over all day. I’m not forced to use a walker or a cane or something. I can move around, but certain things will lead to my paying for them in the next few hours or days.
I’ve gotten in full on fist fights after my back shit. I was still able to hold my shit down and stomp the dude who jumped me out, but I literally couldn’t move the next day once the adrenaline wore off and and my back muscles started seizing up.
Also you guys clearly don't seem to ban substack, since there are multiple posts currently up that have been posted a day ago in one case, and 16 hours ago in the other, one of which is literally also from ken klippenstein. So why is it fine sometimes but not othertimes? I don't necessarily have an issue with a broad ban of any substack link (even though I personally think that would be kinda dumb), but that fact that it's so inconsistently enforced isn't good.
Bruh. Everyone sees you for who you really are. Stop acting like they don’t.
Go off king.