[-] [email protected] 2 points 50 minutes ago

Broccoli stem is delicious raw. I just remove the outer fibrous bit and eat it. Dog loves it too.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 hour ago

It's a choice. He deliberately messes it up more when he's about to be in front of the press.

[-] [email protected] -2 points 12 hours ago

OP never mentioned men. Bit of a slip on your part.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 15 hours ago

There's a certain type of guy that wants a cybertruck. Most women would want to avoid that type of guy, and certainly wouldn't want to accidentally procreate with them. So the cybertruck is the ultimate cock block for the good of all humankind.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Elder millennial

[-] [email protected] 21 points 4 days ago

In Australia I can't tell you how frustrating this is. People are so fucking selfish.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 4 days ago

My partner lacked political engagement until his 30s for reasons so he occasionally has these hot takes. But he expresses them to me and I do feel bad because he's not coming at it from an arrogant perspective. It's ignorance, some naivete and also exasperation at a whole lot of shit things.

I have to gently explain to him why XYZ isn't that simple or black and white, or why his idea doesn't work - and the answer to that, 9 times out of 10, is 'because money/rich people/greed/lobbyists/nimbyism'.

I'm just slowly chipping away at his innocence and it feels bad.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 4 days ago

I know far too many people in their 40s who do this.

The way I try to reinforce the difference with people is this mnemonic device:

You don't want a loose noose - or you might lose the extra 'o'.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/nowhereelsetoshare

I just watched the 2024 NY treat taskmaster episode.

Lenny Rush was a contestant aged 14; Lenny has dwarfism.

I'm a huge fan of this show and when I realised they had a child contestant (for the first time) with a physical disadvantage (they do have older contestants but that's always played for laughs), I wondered how they'd play it.

Spoilers from here on if you'd prefer not to know the result (not that that's what the show is about).

They didn't pander to his age. The tasks were as complicated as usual and the humour was the same.

They stuck to tasks where his height and mobility wouldn't be a disadvantage, and in the final task that usually would have all the contestants on stage, they swapped it so Greg and Alex did all the physical activity.

Lenny won, but completely on merit.

It was such a great example of how small adjustments can be made to include a person who is a genuinely great comic (I can't wait to see how his career develops) irrespective of his physical limitations.

I'm just chuffed that a TV show I loved, didn't pander and didn't discriminate. I laughed just as much and enjoyed the show just as much. No one I know watches this show, so that's why I'm sharing this here.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I think that's what it says but that's the error I'd say I get about 40% of the time when trying to view image posts. Is this a sync thing or something else?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know this, but it only just occurred to me to try - and it worked!

I gave it needle size, ply and the garment size I wanted - as well as asking for Australian sizing and instructions (so you'll need to change that for whatever you're used to) and from what I could see it was pretty good. Haven't actually tried it but I may for a small project and see how it goes.

Edit to say that I'm very aware of chatgpts limits (I work in a field where it's being abused) but thought it was an interesting idea. Simplicity would be key. I'd consider myself a beginner this might be a good way of creating small simple projects. Or nonsense! I have bags of cheap wool that I got through my local buy nothing group so I'm always up for a bit of experimentation.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/linkedinlunatics
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I wear UGG boots in winter because it's fucking cold.

I also wrap myself in a blanket on the couch, and have a lovely area rug so I don't have to walk on a cold floor. All these things are necessary to survive the winter; my house isn't well insulated.

The problem with all this, is that I build up a static charge. So when I go to pat my beautiful sweetheart of a dog, I zap him. It's audible and I'm sure, quite unpleasant. Often on the head. He obviously doesn't like that, I think he's taking it personally, and I feel awful. It completely cancels out the affection I'm trying to show him.

So the question for the Lemmy community is:

How do I discharge the static before I pat my dog? I have started shocking my partner (which he doesn't like, but accepts over the alternative), before patting my dog. But as he's out tonight, I have no human vessel to offer as tribute?

What can I touch in my house before patting my dog so that he doesn't receive a shock?

Edit: standard Australian house and furniture

Another edit: I'm all the sheets to the wind so the engineering advice is not sinking in. But I'm loving the immediate response that I'd never have gotten on Deaddit.

Again: I can't stop giggling at how helpful everyone is being and how short m, drunk and silly I am, in a house with apparently no metal

And again: I should probably take me and my baby to bed now, but a big thank you to everyone who replied. You've all been lovely. Lemmy is really a different space to ask these questions! I'll be trying out many of your suggestions over the weekend; big thanks from me and my boy x

Final: thanks to everyone who responded. I did try the kitchen tap again last night and this time it worked! Mustn't have built up enough charge when I tried the night I posted. I will still primarily zap my partner's leg as it's usually closer and doing it makes me laugh. It's important he understands where he fits in the household hierarchy as well. I also learnt that American houses are very different (screws and radiators everywhere!) so that was interesting too.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Melbourne and Brisbane ones I've snooped in are great. Looks like a bot just posts one daily.

There's some very specific, niche convos going on and then some general 'I've walked the dog and done a load of laundry - what's everyone else up to?' comments and it's all quite fluid and friendly.

Might be a way of livening this place up?

I'm still in bed (I know) drinking coffee and scrolling lemmy. I can't see my dog but from the noises I can hear, he's almost certainly upside down in his bed and wriggling in the sun. I'll get up soon to make him breakfast (our house is on a different timeline when I'm not working) and then I think a walk in this sunshine is in order. Storms tonight and winter temps tomorrow, so if you can make use of 24 degrees, I suggest you do it!!

I'm going to go out to Crazy Janes in a week or so - does anyone know if it's like the one in Bowral?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm looking for recommendations for app based/nice mobile friendly sites (free ideally, but I'd consider subscription) that can help me keep across news in the tech/UX/design space.

I'm somewhat reliant on my LinkedIn (which is such a toilet and usually just ends up annoying me) for news/emerging issues etc that affect my industry - the main reason being I can scroll through and open things of interest.

I've subscribed to newsletters/bookmarked sites but I just never seem to get round to reading them. Countless emails just stack up sitting unread.

My theory is if it's something I can just look through on my phone when I'd otherwise be doomscrolling, that I'll be more likely to read things.

My work is in the content strategy/design space and I'm in Australia - so bonus points if it has relevance to me in that way. Thanks all!

Edit to add - I used to use Twitter too, but you know... Just no.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anyone else here go?

I thought it was brilliant, I went yesterday and today. Brought the dog too and he thoroughly enjoyed meeting the other furry friends. Weather really turned out too.

Saturday I had mulled wine, lobster roll, donut balls and Belgian hot chocolate. Today was paella, mussels, French Cob loaf and caramel waffles. Oh and more mulled wine.

Great event and I'm glad Canberra turned out to support it.

it's quiet in here (aussie.zone)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not surprising I suppose, but I was hoping a few more people would come over from Reddit.

I'm not too upset about this though. Less content means I'm not doom scrolling. No longer on Twitter, no longer on Reddit. More hours in the day off a screen.

Might head out to the Xmas in July event. I was there yesterday but only noticed the paella as I was leaving.

Is this just a mindless stream of consciousness? Maybe. But we've got to post and interact here if we want to build traction.

Hope you all have a lovely sunny day.

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