Isn't this title clickbait? An alarmist title that doesn't say anything until you click on it.
I just mean that I personally have difficulties in making decision that I might regret.
So I have a bit of a hard time imagining what people who want surgery must feel.
But if the regrets rate are low I tend to think that maybe it's fine that they have the surgery.
Ah I didn't remember that. Thanks!
Hearth hand gestures + mom jeans seems pretty recent to me.
Are non-surgical treatments still permanent? Like if you grow up using hormones or whatever and you end up with a different body later, it might be a bit similar to surgery.
As someone who doesn't know shit, I find permanent stuff scary. I wear contact lenses because I can't commit to buy a pair of glasses and I'm afraid to regret it.
But I heard that the rate of people regretting transition surgery or whatever it's called, is pretty low. I don't know if it's true and if it's only for adults, but I really hope it is true.
If so, maybe it's fine that minors have the surgeries. I would think that there is a serious process with professionals and shit and they make sure, as best they can, than the person is not going to regret later.
Yeah. It just sounds like silly war marketing.
The 2 other games from the défenestration trilogy are pretty good too.
Try the Tactical Breach Wizards demo on Steam.
Circle jerk, wanting to belong and the good old "making fun of someone else to try to be cool". Just like fucking high school.
I used GeForce now on my desktop in the past. It was pretty good. Even for games like cyberpunk.
It might also be easier for people like me to try to eat less meat than going full vegan. 1 meat-less meal per week to start doesn't sound too bad.
I hate that it's a Netflix exclusive. Let me buy this. Surely it's one of the best game out there.