Along with trying to add contributive posts here and there, I'm also trying to be more mindful about upvoting. I think most us like to see appreciation and acknowledgement of our post efforts, so a little upvote goes a long way towards encouraging content creation.
Back in already and making catches. Holy shit what a beast.
Kelce break a toe? Damn not good that he's not back in yet.
The video didn't give a whole lot of information but it's been in the media buzz for a while so for those who are curious here's some features and extra info on the K5:
- 5'2" tall and weighs 400 lbs
- Top speed is 3mph
- 4 HD cameras and 1 IR camera for 360 surveillance & record capability
- 2.5 - 3 hours of patrol time on full charge, then 20-30 min to recharge
- Will not record audio or use facial recognition
- Panic button feature located near the top front of the robot
- Will be on a 2 month trial, midnight to 6am
- One of the versions knocked down a toddler in a mall back in 2016 Article here
So to answer everyone's main questions, yes the K5 will be fkd with by hooligans. Inevitably. It's what they want though so they can bring out the upgraded K5 version with the fun features.
Here you go buddy
I'm upvoting all of the comments in here so each and every one if you gets that little validation hit. It'll be like pouring sugar over an ants nest.
Someone upvote me back so I can get my validation hit too.
Yep that's what I was thinking, too. He's probably seen and encountered some shit. Some gig work like Uber Eats allows customers to pay in cash so there's a fair chance that he is a natural target for theft through armed robbery or assault. If I had to do this work, I would want to be armed as well. Nobody in their right mind wants to do this kind of shit work though.
Lol yeah had to throw them in, because I guess essentially they DO get the training. They prob get de-escalation training too, but why bother when as a cop you get a few free oopsies a year.
Ok, but how would you know it was a prank? If you have someone who has suddenly entered into your personal space exhibiting erratic but persistent confrontational behavior, I think there's some justification towards reacting with violence. I dont think most of us are conditioned or trained to react to threatening behavior in the most effective way, like cops and military are. So that means flight, freeze, or fight. You don't have the benefit of knowing it was a prank, you just have a situation rapidly unfolding in front of you. Unfortunately in this situation Colie was armed, and responded with that measure. I think most of people would be ok if the response was just a phsyical fight without a gun, but then again how many people have the capability to "win" that way?
if we can survive screaming babies and kids on a flight, then a cat who lets out a cry every few minutes should be nothing
YES. I had a shrieking, seat-kicking kid behind me last flight. The cat at least won't kick the seat.
True, it's already going to be not fun for her. Might not make any sense doubling up on the trauma
I think being polite is going to be pretty critical towards growing this community. Nobody wants to hang out with a bunch of nasty trolls.