For me the line was the HyperLoop. It was such a dumb idea and so obviously designed to distract from high speed rail projects. But most egregiously, it was an idea that had been tried and abandoned multiple times previously.
Corn syrup stays sticky at room temp and is easier to clean out of the carpet.
Air is more stuff than you would think. If you were able to isolate a cylinder of air around the Eiffel Tower the air would weigh more than the tower.
People already say the same about Photoshop and people already don’t believe them.
Fun fact: US trademarks (and copyrights) are only enforceable in other countries through the trade agreements currently being shredded…
In general, electric cars aren’t here to save the environment they are here to save the car industry.
They don’t want non-whites to survive. This is a feature not a bug.
There is a certain group of people in the US that continue to give special treatment to Israel because they believe that helping Israel “restore” itself will more quickly bring the rapture and Armageddon. Interestingly enough this belief tends to include the idea that Jews and Muslims won’t survive the ensuing necessary war.
I admit that a large portion of my international travel knowledge comes from the movie The Terminal, but why couldn’t they just not leave the airport? Like why wasn’t the worst case that the pilot had to wait at the gate for and fly back on the next United flight out of the same airport?