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[–] agentsquirrel 10 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Never. Engaging in a campaign doesn't absolve someone of facing justice in a timely manner for crimes they committed. Considering Trump's alleged crimes strike at the heart of the duties of a president, delaying his trials due to a campaign would be like delaying the trial of an accused child molester because they are too busy opening a new day care center.

[–] agentsquirrel 3 points 10 months ago

Or get a bandsaw, some large clamps, glue, and some good hardwoods.

[–] agentsquirrel 14 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I'm not a Republican and I don't agree with Pence on anything, but he could have gained traction if he actually grew a spine and got the GOP back on the tracks by standing up against Trump and taking a conservative morals and values tact. He simply didn't, and politically he got exactly what he deserved. This is the problem with every other conservative Christian candidate. At the end of the day their Christian values are just worthless drivel.

[–] agentsquirrel 2 points 10 months ago

Or is so perfect and omniscient and yet creates a race of beings so flawed that it needs to be wiped out by flood and have his son sent later to be executed by them to forgive them for being so bad.

[–] agentsquirrel 12 points 10 months ago

Avoid private equity as well. PE is equally shitty.

[–] agentsquirrel 4 points 11 months ago

This is the paradox of the Republican party, though. When they're losing is when they're winning. It's a nihilistic apocalyptic group that thrives on the fears of people, much like a terrorist organization. Despite everything pointing to them being a diminishing minority, they're able to control or paralyze much of federal and state governments, and they're going to continue to do this for decades to come.

[–] agentsquirrel 2 points 11 months ago

The gun violence problem in the US is largely a social problem with a financial upside for some. There is an ongoing financial windfall for gun manufacturers, lobbyist groups, and politicians as efforts against gun violence increase gun owner paranoia, which increases weapons sales, lobbyist organization memberships and donations, and political donations. Until the social problem can be transformed into financial consequences for those who are currently financially benefitting from gun violence or indirectly enabling it, gun violence in the US will never be solved.

[–] agentsquirrel 23 points 11 months ago

For the record, are you a way far left liberal with no common sense, or just another run-of-the-mill conservative troll feigning concern over racism?

[–] agentsquirrel 8 points 11 months ago

Usually the rule of thumb is to follow the money, however in this case it's seeing where the money is not coming from. Having one district in AL flip from Republican to Democrat isn't going to cause Thomas to loose an all expenses paid vacation or a complimentary personal jet trip.

[–] agentsquirrel 3 points 11 months ago

I'm still amazed this isn't on billboards everywhere or the topic of some federal investigation. It's like it never happened.

[–] agentsquirrel 11 points 11 months ago

It's easy to understand. Because votes. People just adore and worship him because he will enact revenge and retribution on perceived and targeted enemies who are allegedly making their lives miserable, rather than being exploited by corporate America, making bad life choices, and/or following their nationalist, racist, xenophobic, and misogynistic ideology which distorts reality. You support Trump, you get his knuckle-dragging horde of idiot voters automatically, with little to no effort.

[–] agentsquirrel 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I would love for Trump to live to 120 with a totally sound mind and experience total irrelevance. That would be wonderful punishment. In a cell would be great, but I'd settle for him to be alone in a cheap motel room with cable TV.

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