I think this is a Shittshitpost.
Abgesehen davon, dass die Leute hier sich völlig hirntot im Straßenverkehr bewegen (egal ob Auto, Fahrrad oder zu Fuß), ist es halt aber echt schön in Augsburg und Umgebung. Nach ~15 Jahren hab ich mich auch irgendwie an Bayern gewöhnt.
Stupid sexy Frodo.
Had to google this because I was ootl, and the post title is misleading. The law will not strip civil rights based on gender identity, it will strip gender identity protections from the civil rights code. Still a shitty thing, but not at all what this post is suggesting.
If these apply to you then you may need to contact a ~~physician~~ veterinarian immediately
Thank you for your service.
There, it's out.
Yah, the at times almost universal male genital mutilation in the US goes back to religious nutjobs like Kellog & co to stop boys from masturbating. It's also what motivated Kellog, in his quest for the blandest food, to invent cornflakes, because, apparently, spicy foods make you naughty. Good Glob, I wish I was kidding.
This has got to be part of a bigger ploy to undermine the Onion and other satire publications.
I read your comment as snarky and sly. Sorry if I misinterpreted it.
Title should be: