
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 15 hours ago

Configurable, though, to use many other engines and results.

Lots of overlap, but there are a couple other indexes out there.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

What Google password?

I don’t intend to browse RMS-style, but I have zero need of a Google account, nor of the major search engines directly.

I just add layers between myself and that particular company. I still can get their data, but without the creep factor.


It’s an imperfect solution, but I’m more comfortable with access by proxy than direct access.


I have a Pantech laser printer that surprisingly works well for my purposes. Cartridges are page-limited to 1,600.

That’d be all well and good if I was printing A4 or letter, but my journal/calendar/binder is A5 for ease of carrying.

Half-pages == full pages as far as the cartridge is concerned.

Anyone aware of new chips and/or workarounds for these cartridges to make them appear usable to the printer?

Most printing is for my own reference anyway, so even if the last few pages are imperfect, nothing wrong with that.

Had a 300 page PDF that I wanted a paper version of to dog-ear, highlight, and study at length, but that’s a good 1/5 of the cartridge.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 4 days ago

Been looking for this sort of device for my Pantech laser.

The cartridge is good for 1,600 pages - no more, no less.

All well and good, they’re cheap, except.. the vast majority of my printing is in A5 size (roughly half-letter, or exactly half-A4).

Those half pages count just like any other page against the total, and I get shorted by the better part of 800 pages or so.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago
  1. Suffer through working life
  2. Retire, downsize, go see the world without having to convince a gf/partner

Nothing wrong with disliking dating, it’s a screwy social ritual intended to use a short series of interactions to determine if this is a person you could trust and genuinely like enough to share everything - including tough mornings - and compromise with for the next fifty years.

Works for some folks. Doesn’t work for others. I’m happily married, took a couple false starts and youthful indiscretions to get here - as well as the magic of the internet and some long discussions about relationships/commitment/poly/nonstandard stuff.

Works for us, maybe not for most.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Curious how common the truly bad ones are. I’d assume quite uncommon between licensing, hospital hiring, chart data analysis at scale, etc., but…

Counting down the days to a relatively minor surgery I need. No real concerns, I’ve met the lead surgeon a few times, but plenty of unknown humans are part of the process too.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Company has low-key software trainers - a ton of information to convey, but they mostly embrace and gently corral the inevitable side convos you get in a Teams room of thirty very confused people.

Some of us were more vocal than others and a handful were less pleasant. During a brief silence, as a woman is about to ask a valid question, we ALL hear,

“Oh, there’s Jennifer, running her fat fucking mouth again! (Pause) (gasp from speaker)”

Guy wasn’t getting it anyway, but he didn’t last the rest of the morning.

There were 29 of us in that room, two years ago. Now there are six of us remaining. Mouthy guy above is the only one I know left involuntarily.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I like your approach much better.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Appreciated, will do

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Thanks, that's exactly the sort of thing I was looking for - I generally work well with most people, but I know myself well enough to know that there are a handful of folks I might not be quite on the same wavelength with.

Relative to the overall cost of training, an initial lesson or discovery flight seems like a pretty low-cost/low-risk way to get a feel for the people, and also for how they treat their equipment.


I’ve been considering this for a number of years. Light Sport, restrictions and all, suits my mission well -No need to stress over the medical, and I get to take some fairly capable planes into the sky. Travel is secondary and perhaps irrelevant - I’m 180lbs, and my wife is somewhat more, so in addition to a minima useful load beyond us, there are possible CG and balance issues as I understand it.

We don’t seem to have anyone giving lessons truly locally, but that’s fine. Let’s say I’m based near Chambana, IL. So far, available A/C look like this:

  • Lots of Evektors
  • one school has a Remos GX and Flight Design CTLS
  • There’s a single Aeroprakt A22.

The latter is of some interest for me for personal reasons, and also seems a touch slower, but none of them give me pause, really.

I expect to use speed as a tool for enjoying being in the air, not because I’ve any need to quickly get from A to B.

I’ve looked over the generalities of ground school content - it’s not familiar to me already, but I can put in the necessary time and energy to learn it. I’ll be on disability for 4+ weeks soon following a minor surgery, so study time isn’t a problem.

Any instructor and plane will require a bit of a trip, which I’m fine with.

Several schools have caught my eye as at least worth a second look - curious if anyone has insight on any of these folks (or the airports they operate from):

  • SRT Aviation Mt Vernon, IL
  • CityWings.net Schaumburg, IL
  • Jet Access Indianapolis, IN (and others)
  • Sport Pilot Chicago Newark, IL
  • St Charles Flying Svc St Charles, MO

They are all roughly equidistant from me, save the last one being a bit farther.

Also, how do I interview an instructor, aside from qualifications? I’m going in with minimal enough knowledge that I don’t know at least some of the obvious questions to ask.

For what it’s worth, LSA is a goal unto itself for my mission - no intention to use as a stepping stone to PPL, etc.


[–] [email protected] 38 points 1 month ago (17 children)

Content? Hardly.

Disinformation. Lies. Etc.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Wasn’t sure I’d agree when I started reading, but I like the way you think.

  • FWP Grand Central Skies / Safari M
  • Iroshizuku Suo-Ro / Sport B
  • Diamine Havasu Turquoise / Safari F
  • Diamine Apple Glory / Safari M
  • "Just Blue" / Lilliput F

Love the way GCS shimmers.

A CCR quote, and a few words of a certain classic twenty-five minute Arlo Guthrie song.


This isn't "proper" alt text, but the quotes at the bottom got a bit illegible as I ran out room, so...

20204. Clariefontaine A5

  • Diamine Violet / Sailor 21
  • Diamine Sherwood Green / Sport F
  • FWP Pink Sugar Beach / Preppy 05 M
  • Diamine Earl Grey / Perkeo M
  • Iroshizuku sui-gyoku / Perkeo M
  • Diamine Pumpkin / Perkeo M

Bother me tomorrow, today I'll buy no sorrows... - CCR [Above is in my atrocious cursive, just to see if I can even still write a simple sentence in it]

All those people, all those lives, where are they now? With loves, and hates, and passions just like mine, they were born and then they lived and then they died And then ~~they~~ I also ran out of room on the page, it continues "Seems so unfair, I want to cry." (The Smiths)

That's it for today, I suspect I'm a little behind on reading comments, hopefully will have some time today to remedy that.


I'm in an oddball mood this morning, so the quote is from Simon and Garfunkel's "America". The original is "Kathy," the spelling liberty just fit my mood. Same for the mixed styles and colors in the text.

  • Diamine Pink Ice / Preppy 05M
  • Diamine Tropical Glory / Preppy 03F
  • Diamine Apple Glory / Safari M
  • Iroshizuku Shin-Ryoku / Perkeo M

Clairefontaine Triomphe 90gsm lined stationery, which also happens to be stationary within a generic six-ring binder from Amazon that I stripped the cover off, and rigged to a much more solid piece of cardboard cut down to A5-ish.

Slides really nicely that way right into a Travelers Notebook, the original cover was clear flexy plastic and kinda worthless as an insert.

Quickie ink samples are on Midori in A6, weight unknown. It plays pretty well with a lot of things, I thought I'd dig the color, but... Not so much.

Keeb in the background is generic Chinese 80-key from Amazon, to replace the one that was on sale because it was UK layout and my dumb ass didn't notice. Juuuuuuust different enough to be infuriating when I'm trying to work...

Gotta say, y'all, I enjoy this hobby on a relatively solitary basis, but... I'm having a friggin' blast doing these - not just because I'm rediscovering stuff I adore that's been buried too long in my ink drawer, but the sharing as well.

PS my penmanship is almost as potato as my photography skills. But I'm kinda stuck with both skills sucking, at this age. Meh, I still have fun.


As ever, y'all, forgive the potato-quality image.

Today's contestants...

  • Amo-Iro / Sport EF
  • Hana-Ikada / Jinhao (model unknown) EF
  • Syo-Ro / Sport B
  • Grand Central Skies / Safari M

The shimmer in GCS doesn't photograph as well as I'd like, but there is some serious depth to that ink as with most FWP products.

Also, confession time... But just between the lot of us, of course... I may be a 45 year old man, but dammit, Hana-Ikada is one of my all time favorite colors. Can't even tell you why, but it brings a smile to my face to use, and it's just SO well behaved and clean to write with...

Second and third faves, while I'm confessing such things, are FWP Pink Sugar Beach and Diamine Pink Ice. Slightly less well behaved, but only just, and who doesn't love pink sparkly... Um... Yeah I'm not helping my case here lol!


Have a bottle of both, barely opened, and zero chance I’ll ever use either.

Without getting into the why…. 2 nearly full bottles of noodlers inks free to good home. Cover actual ship cost and they’re yours.

Really, truly, I want the damn things outta my ink drawer because I won’t ever use ‘em and because reasons.

Hell, if you’re somewhere between roughly Chambana, IL and Indianapolis, I might even be up to meet you somewhere.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Since my handwriting is a dog’s breakfast…

“Today’s fun

Going out for a bit so keeping it light. Just my much adored Fuyu-Gaki (you’ve seen that EF nib) and “mooring on the quinuai river,” from a Chinese company whose name I can’t recall, in a preppy 05M. Don’t know if the shimmer will photograph well.”

Still up for sample trades, can never have too many inks!

  • Jade Green
  • Hope Pink
  • Havasu Turquoise
  • Hotaru Bi

Possible that I've posted this here before, but since views seem to be trending upwards and it also might have been on the other instance that's gone now...

...I positively love these pens, but is there any practical way to disassemble them, or am I stuck with the ink color I chose for them?


Maybe - just maybe - I'm a bit early but there's a chance my morning will be a lil nuts so might as well set things out and post ahead of time.

Also, feedback welcome - don't want to spam the sub, do want to add some useful content even if it's just a post history with a bunch of ink samples in it so some lunatic (like me) can agonize over the perfect orange between FG and Pumpkin (Protip, Iroshizuku every. single. time. It just writes better, across more pens, IMHO. It's also a slightly more pricey addiction than Diamine, so...)

Today's fun includes:

  • Fuyu-Gaki in Safari EF

  • Midway the Magnificent in a Perkeo M

  • Pumpkin in another of the ever-present Perkeo M

  • Amo-Iro in Sport EF

Pardon my handwriting, and weird datetime formatting. Blame my journaling habit for the latter, as it makes finding things I know I 100% wrote down rather easier. The former is all me.

Midori A6 for the scribbles, Clairefontaine in the background.

Today's Pens (infosec.pub)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Being the change I want to see (more traffic and more interesting pens here)...

My primary pens for today are a Safari F inked with Tsutsuji, and a Kaweco Lilliput in brass, with the Kaweco Blue cartridge it came with (also F). I'll refill it with something more interesting when the time comes, just haven't decided what.

On an average day, I might rotate through two pens; or everything I have inked. Just depends on my mood.

Edit: That's Midori A6 they're sitting on / scribbled on, and Clairefontaine A5 in the background.

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