[-] Zirconium 9 points 6 months ago


[-] Zirconium 17 points 6 months ago

Use electricity to melt snow and that electricity and heat contributes to climate change which makes snow worse and then you use more electricity and heat and then…

[-] Zirconium 13 points 10 months ago
[-] Zirconium 18 points 10 months ago

You're literally the type of stereotype libs who call anyone they don't like racists. If somebody just doesn't believe one of your made up bullshit they're just a genocide denier

[-] Zirconium 15 points 10 months ago

Anarchists in a community of Russia and chinese apologists. You're either stupid or a troll

[-] Zirconium 35 points 10 months ago

Blahaj.zone is defederated (hexbear did it first surprisingly). It's a very LGBTQ+ oriented place so I'm not sure it's your cup of tea

[-] Zirconium 116 points 10 months ago

Don't listen to hexbear users when they say they "defend themselves" from homophobia and transphobia. One user thought the admin of Blahaj.zone was being transphobic for not allowing politics in every community. Hexbear users will literally just lie about the repamant amount of homophobia and transphobia to justify their existence here.

[-] Zirconium 22 points 10 months ago

They follow the alt right playbook in like every fashion.

[-] Zirconium 23 points 10 months ago

They are big with the trolling. While their own communities in their instance are unpolitical they move everywhere else to smear their shit on every other instance. One user called me a Holocaust denier for believing Russia invaded Poland first. On Blahaj.zone the Admin was called a genocide enabler because one hexbear user wasn't allowed to bring politics to every thread.

[-] Zirconium 10 points 1 year ago

What rights. To say slurs and call for people to be executed?

submitted 1 year ago by Zirconium to c/controversial

Hi, I have a transmasc boyfriend and am part of the LGBTQ+ alliance. However I started my first year of college and encountered uneducated men who just did not believe that trans people had their rights under attack. One of my friends even told my trans woman friend that she had more rights than him. How or what can you do to help others become educated without "debating trans existence" or starting an argument? Thank you.

[-] Zirconium 9 points 1 year ago

Especially since the supreme court never sides with the few when it has the opportunity to grow a spine. Ie: "Jim Crow", "slavery"", internment camps", etc

[-] Zirconium 12 points 1 year ago

Judical branch is in place to protect the rights of the few and Constitution so it plays a role. The issue is that the justices defend the powerful rather then thepeoples.

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