
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

All authoritarians are always a problem

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

The original fascists of Italy went actually extra hard for Futurists (the avant garde movement in art and philosophy, whose main premise was "out with the old, in with the new guns and machines go brrrrrr"), who in turn celebrated Mussolini as a great leader. Nazis were good at incorporating traditionalist aesthetics to make their flair of violent modernism more palatable - it probably helped that industrialisation had developed much further in Germany than in Italy, having already done most of the work of dismantling traditional rural society and the structures it came with. And yeah, they didn't seize the means of production directly, but it's also not like German industrialists (who had significantly helped Hitler to power) really had much options in deciding what to produce and to whom, or what kind of opinions to publicly hold, once the Nazis really got their show going.

Really makes you think about the short-sightedness of the current American business elite propping up their own Fascists. I guess we'll see who will be faster to eat who this time around

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (6 children)

State-run communism as it has actually existed and fascism end up with very similar results, not the least because both believed in fast progress, dismantling traditional communities and value systems and everything being run by a strong man with an iron fist. The fascist dictator is supposedly a personification of the will of the "people" or "nation", while the communist one is the same for the "proletariat" or, indeed, the "people". The fact that both systems produce cleptocratic oligarchies that destroy lives of ordinary people is no accident.

This is also why the "extreme left" supposed by the OP is not extreme at all. Some just tend to confuse evend mild and moderate social democracy with genocidal communism, perhaps because their domestic political landscape is fucked up beyond recognition

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

This description of capitalism perfectly reflects soviet communism as well, tho

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Jutun kun luki niin ilmeisesti on slaagissa ollut kaveri riittävän tolpillaan päästäkseen omin avuin alas, lopulta. Viranomaisillahan tuo oikeus mennä ovista läpi hätätilanteessa on, mutta ei sitä ratkaisua vissiin ihan kevyin perustein tehdä. Ja milloin sit on edessä tilanne jossa ovisekoilu maksaa just sen ylimääräsen minuutin jota avuntarvitsijalla ei ollut?

Ehkä jonkun pitää vetää se death-by-NIMBY ennen kuin taloyhtiöt alkaa heräilemään. Olis kyllä masentava tapa lähteä.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Kyllä! Kaveri on matkan jo taittanutkin, ja sujuvasti kuulemma meni. Viron junista ei itsellä ole kokemusta, mutta ainakin Liettuan rautateilla matkanteko on erittäin mukavaa