I've never met a dolphin I didn't like, not that I really got to know them. people on the other hand.…
I think that's what this is.
I've never met a dolphin I didn't like, not that I really got to know them. people on the other hand.…
I think that's what this is.
you're not wrong. he also wanted people to stick lights up their asses and take horse pills. still, he didn't ignore it completely and despite his silly shit managed to actually be helpful overall.
the password manager kinda sucks too. credit cards are in a category that you have to delete the name of the site you're visiting in order to see. sometimes I question why I'm paying for the thing. lastpass was way better 10 years ago.
As much as Trump sucked, he didn't ignore covid. He was the initial dude behind project lightspeed. I fully expect to be downvoted to hell for this.
So is it just like full of shit when they are coming out?
I wonder if it’s the games we play or our systems. Only one that has ever taken more for me is Spider-Man.
Usually takes like 30 seconds or less on my games.
Why is he on the set of family feud?
Whoever got rid of the tin should be kicked out of Maryland.
try better canned fish. don't yuk my yum. go for line caught for tuna if dolphin death is an issue for you. wild planet is good and pretty widely available. safecatch is really tasty but even more expensive. sardines also range from the crap you buy for a buck to some really gourmet stuff at 15 bucks a tin.