[-] [email protected] 54 points 7 months ago

Ears neutral, whiskers forward, mouth closed.
All signs of friendliness and acceptance.

Eyes are fully open so kitty is aware and alert, but pupils aren't in attack mode.

Seems fine, kitty is probably going to be annoyed about the whisker touching if it keeps happening tho.

[-] [email protected] 62 points 8 months ago

Without saying anything about politics, environment, or source:

Why, for the love of Satan, does this graph have only 2 data points per source?

Why use a line chart 📉 for that?

This is clear bar chart territory 📊.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 8 months ago

Oh boy, what can't we put ads in?

Can we get MtDew Green Lights with Coca-Cola Red lights?

The spacebar on laptops is free game, just asking for it.

It really is a shame that I can still buy bedsheets that aren't branded with a corporate advertising campaign.

[-] [email protected] 207 points 8 months ago

Accidentally made a hot-girl union.

Now they can organize and demand higher quality pickup lines.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 9 months ago

Oh and I forgot, a big one, I engage the cats if they show interest in my task.

When cooking they can smell safe things, if I'm working on tech i have a very large screw and bolt for them to play with/try out instead of my small ones.

Cats are social and want to be included, if you give them the option to do "parallel play" I think it will improve what people see as problem behaviors that are really just begging to be included.

[-] [email protected] 38 points 9 months ago

Fetch: grab the toy if they play with it and it ends up close by, use verbal reinforcement

Names: the cats recognize everyone's name in the hous thanks to reinforcement learning

Locations: the cats know where I'm going and can beat me there because I tell them where I'm going, sounds like reinforcement learning again?

Activities: set phrases like "let's go", "come on", "let's get some food", "jump up", etc, all by reinforcement training.

Paw-touching: slowly touch more and more often, for longer, until nail clipping is a breeze. Hmm... Might be reinforcement training again.

To end bad behaviors, hiss, it's a built-in "no" for cats.

[-] [email protected] 188 points 9 months ago

I explicitly support this and encourage the cultural exchange.

If someone wants to come to America and wear a cool cowboy hat and shoot a wheel gun, please, enjoy. Have fun. Welcome.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 9 months ago

Thankfully RHEL/Centos/Fedora also get attention thanks to the large corporate influence.

Anything else can just be compiled from scratch, after spending 6 hours trying to figure out what ajfiwn-0-libs-dev is in redhat land, only to find out it was libfiwn-devel all along.

[-] [email protected] 76 points 10 months ago

I do have to admit, after getting concussed I also appeared to freeze but I was thinking hard of what the right word is to say next.

That said, probably anyone in concussion recovery should be on leave from legislating. The brain will heal more slowly, and your work will be of poor quality.

That's all before getting into the actual politics of having a gerentocracy.

I know a lot of people have talked a out adding an age limit, but it seems to me most of the ancient ones are skating by on incumbent effect. If we had term limits it would resolve that. Alternatively something like the Virginia Gubernatorial rules where you cannot hold the position successively.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 10 months ago

So Canadá is going to let trans people get treatment with informed consent model, right?


Some of our states are really good for trans people. A map of which regions yo avoid would be far more helpful than a blanket warning.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 11 months ago

I make the private option easier than the locked in version.

Homeassistant will let us see our locations, run lights, run media centers, control AC, etc. So why do you need Google Home or Google Maps Location Sharing?

Signal will let us chat over WIFI unlike texts, and I will answer it unlike a Google chat account. Before the SMS death it was easier since it did SMS and signal in one app, easier to convince someone if it can replace the old one and add new features.

I configure two SSIDs, one for things I trust and one for those I don't. I can run firewall rules and add security on the backend where they can't see it.

Tiktok you can run a campaign against it by saying it damages cognition, is harmful to youth, supports the CCP.

You can run a pi hole style filter list,ehich might break some stuff so you have to be willing to play tech support.

I don't know anything about kids but it couldn't hurt to teach them some simple skills like html so they get a taste for what's happening behind the scenes.

[-] [email protected] 52 points 1 year ago

So we're going to pursue PPP fraud as aggressively as welfare fraud right?

Or do we have separate systems for the rich and for the poor?

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