this is such a surprising and good answer, I'm happy to read it and happy that you're happy.
this is such a surprising and good answer, I'm happy to read it and happy that you're happy.
when people ask me how Trump won, I explain that Americans care so little about women as a group that they're letting them die in front of hospitals rather than allowing them to have health care.
"allowing" them.
so the party hoping to elect a woman president is at an extreme disadvantage.
I also think domestic and international election interference election interference plays a much more significant role in American elections than people think and in hindsight and future history textbooks, people will be shaking their heads, not just at the electoral college, but at direct election interference securing Republican victories.
people don't think election interference is important because we hear the word gerrymander or social media bias or "Russian troll farms" and since they're omnipresent, they're dismissed, although they have direct practical influence on campaigns and election processes.
haha, thanks. 28 so far.
I really like podcasts and eating large dinners and then walking or bicycling after that, so I'll spend spend 3 or 4 hours a day learning something from a podcast and idly burning off all the great food I ate!
If you like walking games, the only other one I've really enjoyed is called "the walk", and it's sort of a serialized radio show, and every 10 miles or so you walk you'll unlock another chapter so you can hear the next part of the story.
it's a pretty cool story and very professionally done with a bunch of different voice actors.
a thousand gold ores.
that I'm determined to do through gold panning.
I actually really want to do gold panning in real life, and I aim to soon, so walkscape will be its proxy until I get the opportunity.
thank you, that's exactly what I'm looking for. appreciate it.
what specific things can you point out to dismiss the case?
would one clearly false sentence in a police report be enough?
I was looking at one of those a couple years ago, I've only heard good things.
that's a really good point about being obvious when you're interviewing people too.
loops is now confirmed my new Vine substitute, thanks.
wow, Big change for him.
I always like his videos, I'm happy to see him so happy.
you sound pretty chill, is that a result of your accident or were you pretty chill before the accident is well?
do you have any goals you want to reach like traveling or starting a business or anything at all?