
joined 2 years ago
[–] Varyk 1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

surr.. that's how breach timelines go in general, it's a lot easier to "hack" lax security procedures directly or for third parties that Apple or Microsoft shares sensitive information with than it is to attack any database directly.

[–] Varyk 13 points 1 month ago (2 children)

podcast addict, I cannot believe how customizable and useful it is.

I tried it, it blew my socks off, I've been using it ever since.

[–] Varyk 4 points 1 month ago

this is exactly my argument.

I completely agree with everything you've written and I even suspect George does, despite his disinclination to discuss it.

a complacent aristocracy hoisted by their own failing traditions and impotent bureaucracy.

[–] Varyk 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

yea, the jedi were ideological conservatives.

and that meme where Qui-Gon jinn brings back both Anakin and his mom instead of just Anakin?

is a very legitimate point.

the Jedi council chose to keep a jedi's mother in slavery instead of reuniting their family, freedom which would have come at a truly insignificant cost to the council.

[–] Varyk 36 points 1 month ago
[–] Varyk 4 points 1 month ago

holeeeeee goof. yes.

[–] Varyk 1 points 1 month ago

interesting, I'm going to go try listening to some NCT and SM on your recommendation, I am impressed by exceptional production.


have a good one and keep on coasting.

[–] Varyk 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

woo ghibli for days, me too.

k-pop hasn't hooked me, and I even lived in Korea for a while, can you understand Korean?

or I guess more to the point, what is the quality of K-Pop that hooked you?

The music itself, or the idol culture or what?

I don't play a lot of sim games, and I'm actually a little concerned that if I start playing stardew valley I'm going to get crazy into it and become addicted Just because I don't know anything about it and I know the community is so obsessed with the series.

also, that's super cool of your family.

[–] Varyk 2 points 1 month ago (4 children)

living the life.

any particular music, video games or movies that stick out to you as worth recommending or then you especially vibe with?

do you receive SSI payments (If you're American) or any government assistance, or does your family support you on their own?

[–] Varyk 3 points 1 month ago (6 children)

rad, I'm big on mountains myself.

that's great to hear overall, I'm very glad you're living the life you want to, especially with what sounds like. such a compassionate support system like your family.

do you have a lot of solo hobbies to keep you occupied?

how do you fill your time?

[–] Varyk 9 points 1 month ago (8 children)

you sound pretty chill, is that a result of your accident or were you pretty chill before the accident is well?

do you have any goals you want to reach like traveling or starting a business or anything at all?

her fuck you dying out (
submitted 4 months ago by Varyk to c/[email protected]



for anyone with the same problem, I add a border until the photo is larger than 1600x2650, at which point you can see the entire photo on the screen, as shown here:

This is one of the dumbest things I deal with on the pixel, although there are a lot of dumb things with this phone.

OP below:

ever since I got the pixel, one of the most frustrating non-Functionalities has been that I have to manually screenshot any picture that I want to make into a wallpaper background because my Google pixel 6 enlarges by about 3x any photo, I choose to make my wallpaper background and cannot make the picture smaller by pinching it smaller.

but now even if I save a screenshot, it blows it up more than 3x and I have to manually add a giant border around the picture in an external app so that the picture itself is much smaller if I want to see the entire picture on my phone wallpaper.

is this just some shitty thing with my phone or do all pixels do this?


I used to take screenshots of the picture I wanted to use as wallpaper, but then Android stopped that from working, and now I have to manually add a giant border to make the screenshots fit the arbitrary fiant wallpaper size on the Android screen.

any normal screenshot I take is blown way oversized, is there any way to simply make a screenshot my wallpaper yet on Android?

it seems crazy that this is still so complicated years later on Android, am I missing something?

Thanks for any help


I remember

spoilera couple different things.

less clearly, i remember Hanks trying to kill himself, the branch breaking and then you seeing the broken tree until the scene fades to black into the next scene. but I suspect this scene was actually from another movie.

more clearly, i remember Tom hanks' character suicide-testing a wooden dummy to test the carrying capacity of the branch that is on a short but tall-enough cliff, but the dummy is too heavy and the branch breaks.

Branch can't break twice, so I'm clearly remembering something wrong, but I "know" that whatever I saw happened fairly early on in the movie and was not his description of attempted suicide near the end of the movie.

I remember a fairly lengthy (2-3 minutes) action scene of him physically testing the tree off a cliff.

other people swear that neither scene was in the movie and there's only the description of his attempted suicide at the end.

there are unsubstantiated rumors that the scene was in the theatrical version(which is the version i saw) but not in home releases.

I haven't seen the movie since I saw it in theaters when it came out.

What do you remember?

submitted 5 months ago by Varyk to c/animorphs

Vabarx, also known as the Yeerkbane, are large, transparent, and purple with a tubelike head. They eat Yeerks by sucking the controller's head until the Yeerk comes out.



the car models can be whatever, I'm just curious if anyone is dressing up their cheap cars as expensive ones or if this is an industry yet?

is there a legal hurdle?

is there a limit to car decision in general?

is this sort of car case business already a thing?

submitted 5 months ago by Varyk to c/animorphs

Wow, this is one of the best in my reread. I was riveted.

The shirt-abs on the cover are a little goofy, but the entire book is an absolute series of nightmares and moral horror.

A scrabbling shove into rough madness.


Thanks for making the community! Excited to check out the content


Also, thank you for posting and commenting and making such an exciting community thrive!


I keep seeing him but can't figure out his role in the memes. Is it random like the orb thing?


I love Bluetooth bone conduction earphones and I'm ready to buy something pricier, sturdier, waterproof, and hopefully sound far superior to everything I've tried.

I've had a few budget sets, and I love the convenience, portability, and weight of all of them, but the audio is obviously dog s***.

Are there any bone conduction headphones that are not dog s*** audially that any of you can personally attest to?



Update: thank you everyone! user @Today has provided a great link of a discussion that suggests the correct answer is where being an abbreviation of, whereas as a replacement of since, hypothesized in these comments.

As I love archaic definitions, I'm more convinced to now that this is the answer!

Especially since the question originates from one weirdo using "where" instead of since.

Like "Where we knew he was heading to Chicago tomorrow, we got on the first plane heading east to intercept."

"Where we knew where the safe was, we began to cut through the wall in the corner behind her desk."


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