[-] [email protected] 18 points 8 months ago

Apple has very explicitly stated in very clear terms that the health app does not share data with other apps or devices unless you give permission. And as someone who has given that permission (twice, once to give a meal tracker write permission and once to link to my doctors office’s application for read and write) it’s for every application. It’s not a “hey you need to let everyone have access or no one”. You can get fairly granular.

There’s always the possibility of lying but usually when a company goes that hard on saying the same thing is so many different ways it’s legit. They don’t commit like that unless they know they won’t get in trouble. Those kinds of statements could open them to false advertising claims if it got out they were taking your health data.

Here’s a link to their privacy document which reviewed a good bit of info: https://www.apple.com/privacy/docs/Health_Privacy_White_Paper_May_2023.pdf

[-] [email protected] 15 points 8 months ago

This is why I buy my grandmother her electronics. I can set it up so she has it ready when she gets it and doesn’t need to do anything.

Of course it’s also super easy to get her phone. Just tell her I need to do updates and then take it to another room to transfer everything.

My mom bought her an iPad 2 years ago. “I got a good deal. It was only $200” made me gag. Ya, my grandma uses apple cause it’s easiest but buying the cheapest apple product will not be a good time. She likes the iPad but it’s a 16g base iPad and the keyboard case she bought her is not a good fit. It requires a key combination to pair EVERY time since it doesn’t maintain a list of paired devices. And my grandma can only have 3 apps on her tablet before it’s full. So this year I’m getting her a new iPad with a decent chunk of storage which should last her a decade since she only emails and plays card games.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 9 months ago

Radioactive decay has always confused me. If it’s a principle rule of the universe that matter cannot be created or destroyed, then where’s the other half of the material go?it has to go somewhere or else it would be ignoring a fundamental law

[-] [email protected] 16 points 9 months ago

On one side I have seen where he’s continued negotiations with them to help them resolve issues without a strike which is pretty beneficial.

On the other hand, if that’s not as good as it looks, then this could show that he realized he fucked up not letting the rail workers strike. If he’s going this hard on other strikes and supporting unions it may be to garner support for re-election. Even if it’s only for his own gain, being heavily pro union is a win for the people.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago

November 2019 everyone in my house got it. Well, we don’t know we got it but we’re pretty sure we got it.

Went to urgent care and was told it’s probably the flu. It checked every box for the flu. So they tested us and sent us home. Flu test came back negative for everyone.

We were utterly miserable for a week then got better. Then we started hearing about the “first covid cases in the US”. I think their timeline is off and it came over before they started testing for it.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 10 months ago

I’ve never even heard of him until you commented so I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not lol. A quick google doesn’t tell me much

[-] [email protected] 15 points 10 months ago

We’re talking seconds of difference, a minute at most. Who cares? Put your phone down during the game and watch the actual fucking game and it won’t matter. Don’t worry about who’s tweeting the last play. Just watch the damn game.

Hell, I record the games I want to watch and start them an hour late so I can fast forward through commercials and still end the game close to the normal time. So most of the game I don’t watch anyways.

That all being said, fuck YouTube and the Sunday ticket bullshit. Too damn expensive.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago

Just reading the headline, but they may be on to something. Understanding your body and living a lifestyle that suits you would lead to lower regret rates. If science supports that then I think they may be right.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 11 months ago

Are we sure they’re working to figure it out? Pretty sure they’re not. Pretty sure they know where it went. And why it’s there

[-] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago

Not autistic (I only found the post via m/all) but I am a dad of a 1 year old.

Cue’s are tough to read. Every time I think I’m getting them, they seem to change. My daughter starts throwing fits at random and I’m just lost running around trying to figure out Whats wrong and if it’s something she needs or if it’s just her not getting what she wants.

I also find I get nasty looks from other parents when I go to the park if my wife isn’t with me. I got the cops called on my for kidnapping my own daughter on more than 1 occasion. Dad’s can’t be dad’s in public when it’s just them and their children. The status quo means you shouldn’t know how to parent and should be at home falling apart the second a diaper needs changed because you just don’t know what to do. Anything else and something is wrong and the police need involved.

I have family with autism. I have friends with autism. I am sure that makes is more difficult. I have no doubts there. But I think being a single dad is adding more to the troubles than you think it is.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago

All the more reason to convict him as an accomplice. He knew what was coming and still did nothing to stop it.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 11 months ago

The issue with that argument is that people supporting this believe they are fully allowed to booby-trap their house.

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