
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

“Home Improvement”

You don’t remember Tim the Tool Man Taylor rebuilding the Enterprise D in his garage?

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (6 children)

TNG aired in 1987, so it's only 37 years. Whomever it was that wrote that headline stretched a bit to generate some extra clicks. Yeah, TAS ended in 1974, but there's still 13 years in between where there was no Star Trek, which is apparently getting lumped into the Star-Trek-that-Riker-has-shown-up-in bundle.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

In my opinion, I think some people would ascribe value to authentic luxury goods.

For example a bottle of genuine Chateau Picard. Why go to all the trouble of growing, harvesting, and fermenting the grapes when you can just snap at a replicator, *"Wine, Bordeaux, room temperature!" and have it materialize one for you?

Or, in "Captain's Holiday" Riker asks Picard to purchase for him a Horga'hn while on Risa. Granted, this is a bit of subterfuge to try and get Picard laid, but from Picard's perspective, Riker is asking for a genuine artifact of something he could likely easily replicate aboard the ship. Compare that to Quark in "Let He Who Is Without Sin" who likely doesn't care about the authenticity of the experience, and saves a few credits by having Horga'hns already when they on the way, likely replicated on the runnabout ahead of time.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Yes, this is definitely a very real tweet from PIC seasons two and three showrunner, Terry Matalas, made in 2013.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

$150 for Data, you don’t want to know how much it cost to get Lore.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago

Suddenly I have a theory of where the Borg assimilated their cable management abilities from.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

They're travel mugs for commuting and driving. The wide base means it's less likely to tip over and spill. They were produced before the widespread adoption of cupholders in vehicles.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Gotta be honest, I'm not really too upset that Disney doesn't own Star Trek....

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Man, I love the bit where Archer is already force feeding Trip a plate of shit for giving a person kept in sexual slavery a glimpse of a better life, and to add insult to injury he's all, "And on top of it all, now the Vissian couple will have to wait to be able to conceive."

Archer is the worst captain.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

Well, I guess we need to shut the forum down seeing as there isn’t going to be a better meme at any point.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

If you like old school adventure games, the TNG game, "A Final Unity" was great, but sadly isn't available on any platform I'm aware of these days.

And the recent game, "Resurgence", was good if you like TellTale style narrative games.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I enjoyed this when it first came out on mobile, but not enough to keep paying for the apple arcade, or whatever. Plus, I don't think any other app I've ever used has come close to causing my phone to heat up like this one did.

But I can definitely see picking it up on steam to play mindlessly while I'm listening to a podcast or whatever.


• The title refers to the Homer’s “Odyssey” when Odysseus’ voyage reached the land of the Lotus-eaters. These people’s primary food source was the fruit and flowers of the lotus, which was powerfully narcotic, and caused those of Homer’s crew who ate it to forget their desire to return home.

• Pike’s personal log records the stardate as 1630.1. Ortegas’ personal logs record the stardate as 1630.3, and 1632.2.

Episode Stardate
“The Broken Circle” 2369.2
“Ad Astra per Aspera” 2393.8
”Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” 1581.2

• The USS Cayuga previously appeared in “A Quality of Mercy”.

• Captain Batel gives Pike an Opelian mariner’s keystone, a device worn by ancient Opelian captains to ”guide lost sailors home.” Another reference to Odysseus’ journey.

    • Batel says she found the keystone on a planet which the subtitles spelled ”Galt.” Worf lived for a time on Gault with his adopted mother and brother, and headbutt another child to death there during a soccer match; that world’s name was pronounced the same as this.

• Captain Patel was passed over for a promotion to commodore; she believes it’s a result of Admiral Pasalk punishing her for losing the trial against Number One in “Ad Astra per Aspera”.

• Rigel VII was first mentioned in “The Menagerie, Part I”. Pike and crew were shown via Talosian record, and Pike and Doctor Boyce discussed losing three crew people on the away mission, and its impact on Pike. In “The Menagerie, Part II” we saw that the Talosians forced Pike to relive his fight with one of the brutish Kalar.

• Number One describes Rigel VII as ”a remote M-class planet”. However, there are several other inhabited worlds in the Rigel system:

    • Rigel II - According to “Shore Leave”, Bones was familiar with two women from a chorus line in a cabaret there

    • Rigel III - In the alternate future of “All Good Things…” Geordi retired to this world with his wife to become an author

    • Rigel IV - The entity Jack the Ripper resided there for a while, murdering women to feed its need for fear, and possessed Hengeist before moving on to Argelius II to continue in “Wolf in the Fold”

    • Rigel V - The homeworld of the Rigelians, first mentioned in “Journey to Babel”

    • Rigel VI - I would argue that the canonicity of this world being habitable is dubious at best, as it’s only mentioned on a menu screen in the post credits commercial for Tribbles cereal at the end of “The Trouble with Edward”

    • Rigel X - A colony world occupied by a wide variety of aliens, seen in “Broken Bow”.

    • Rigel XII - The earliest mention of a planet in the Rigel system, in “Mudd’s Women” the USS Enterprise stopped there to negotiate purchase of lithium crystals to replace the cracked lithium crystal circuits necessary for controlling the ship’s power flow from the warp core.

    • The “Star Trek: Star Charts” have attempted to reconcile this abundance of worlds by relabelling the Rigel star close to the Sol system in the star chart seen in “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” as Beta Rigel. This would be where Rigel X is located, considering it was the first planet visited by the NX-01 after launching from Earth. Presumably, Rigel II, Rigel III, Rigel IV, and Rigel V as well. Rigel VII and Rigel XII would be more remote, where the actual Rigel star is, some 860 light years from Earth. The map of the Alpha and Beta quadrants seen in Admiral Clancy’s office in “Remembrance” did have that star labelled as Beta Rigel as well, but there is nothing official stating that the various worlds are in that system.

• The display for information for the Enterprise’s first mission to Rigel VII, five years earlier, says the stardate was 2455.4. If Pike is Odysseus, I am Sisyphus.

”Last time we went down there we were in uniform; I am not making that mistake twice.” Despite the prime directive an concerns about altering cultural development, during TOS it still seemed to be general policy for Starfleet crews to beam down to pre-warp civilizations in uniform, with their gear.

”I like her,” Number One says of Batel, the woman who arrested her in “A Quality of Mercy”, and prosecuted criminal charges against her based solely on her species in “Ad Astra per Aspera”.

• In her quarters, Ortegas has models of Constitution, Walker, and NX-class starships.

• Ortegas refers to the Kalar as Kalarans. Apparently ”Recon 101” does not include more than skimming the mission brief.

”I may not be Erica Ortegas, but I was a test pilot, remember?” “Light and Shadows” established that Pike’s first assignment out of Starfleet Academy was test pilot.

• The away team’s shuttle is the Cervantes, which was introduced in “All Those Who Wander”.

”We’ve got subdermal universal translators.” This is the first mention of Starfleet personnel having translators implanted beneath the skin. In “Little Green Men” we saw that Ferengi had translators implanted in the ear canal, but Starfleet translators have always been part of the communicator or combadge, a function of the ship or station, or a wholly separate device.

• The Kalar palace is featured in season two’s opening credits.

• The type-3 phasers the Kalar carry are identical to the ones introduced in season one of DIS.

    • The Kalar have at least eight type-3s, which raises the question of how many they took with them to during the first away mission.

• Yeoman Zac Nguyen has been taken in by the Kalar and given a position of authority as High Lord Zacarias.

    • In "Bread and Circuses", Merchant Marine captain, and Starfleet Academy dropout, R.M. Merik was stranded on a planet where he became First Citizen Merikus of a society that mirrored Earth's Roman empire.

    • In "Patterns of Force", former Starfleet Academy history instructor, John Gill introduced the planet Ekos to the concept of fascism, and set himself up as Fuhrer, because he believed fascism to be the most efficient form of government, meaning John Gill was terrible at both understanding history, and not getting assassinated by members of the explicitly Nazi party he installed on an independent world.

    • In “The Omega Glory”, Captain Tracey integrated himself with the Kohms assumed a position of authority.

    • In “All the World’s a Stage” we saw the Enderprizians, who took in ensign David Garrovick and made him to be a heroic figure, En Son.

• The radiation affecting the Enterprise crew doesn’t appear to be something Number One’s Illyrian healing glow works against, despite the fact that we’ve seen her survive the radiation of a near warp core breach in “Ghosts of Illyria”.

• Ortegas’ file says she was born in 2233, making her 26 years old. Melissa Navia is 38.

    • The files specifies, “Lieutenant Ortegas is a 23rd century Federation Starfleet officer.” Presumably it’s necessary for the files to have information about the century in which an officer serves due to all the time travel.

• The Enterprise computer illuminates wall panels to guide Ortegas to her quarters. In “Encounter at Farpoint” Riker was guided to the holodeck and Data by a similar system.

• La’an and Doctor M’Benga once again share the gesture where they trace a line under the right eye with their index finger. They did this in “Strange New Worlds” and “The Broken Circle”.

• Pike makes the decision to remove the asteroid emitting the radiation causing the Kalar to forget from the surface of the planet, back to the debris field in orbit. Spock asks if it’s a violation of the Prime Directive, and Pike claims that it’s not because the asteroid interfered with the natural development of the planet for thousands of years. We’ve previously seen Pike make such unilateral decisions to ignore General Order 1 in “The Sound of Thunder” when the USS Discovery was used to amplify a signal that triggered puberty for every Kelpien on Kaminar.



  • The very first time travel episode of Trek also had the word ”Tomorrow” in the title, “Tomorrow is Yesterday”.

  • La’an’s security officer’s log records the stardate as 1581.2. So I guess we’re doing this again. You had me for two episodes, SNW.

Episode Stardate
“The Broken Circle” 2369.2
“Ad Astra per Aspera” 2393.8
  • Spock assures La’an he ”shall make every effort to practice less vigorously going forward.”Practicing the lute” is a well known Vulcan euphemism first mentioned in the VOY episode “Body and Soul”.

  • Among the artifacts in Pelia’s collection:

    • “The Monet Family in Their Garden at Argenteuil” by Edouard Manet

    • A gyroscope

    • A print of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

    • An Egyptian pharaoh’s headdress with crossed crook and flail

    • “The Concert” by Johannes Vermeer - which actually was stolen in 1990 and has yet to be recovered - despite what the episode says, the painting was stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, not the Louvre (unless it is found, put on display, and stolen again before the events of this episode)

  • The device the Department of Temporal Investigations agent gives La’an projects a graphic of the timeline based on the one shown to Seven of Nine by the crew of the 29th century USS Relativity in “Relativity”

  • The bridge of the United Earth Fleet USS Enterprise has displays in blue and green, whereas the timeline we’re familiar with, the Starfleet USS Enterprise has those same displays in orange.

    • Other than some colour settings on the displays, and the badges on the uniforms, nothing else seems to have changed. The uniforms still even have the division patterns on the yokes, identical to those of the prime timeline.
  • The captain appears to be Sam Kirk’s brother, James T. Kirk, whom we previously saw in “A Quality of Mercy”.

  • Captain Spock’s Sh’Rel appears to reuse the Vulcan cruiser model introduced as a small transport in “Lethe”. The same model was used for Vulcan fighters in the Confederation timeline in “Penance” and as a much larger warship in “Dominion”.

  • ”You know…maple leafs, politeness, poutine.” As a Canadian, I’m sorry you all were subjected to such a dismissive breakdown of our national character.

  • UEF Kirk was born on the USS Iowa. Prime timeline Kirk was born in Riverside, Iowa.

    • Kelvin Kirk was born aboard a the USS Kelvin’s medical shuttle 37. Early in production for 2009’s “Star Trek” the Kelvin was going to be the USS Iowa, but according to Alex Kurtzman in an interview, "Then we decided that was too radical."
  • ”I’m from space.” This line is a callback to Kirk in “Star Trek: The Voyage Home” where he said, ”No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space.”

  • Kirk wins a significant amount of cash playing chess. ”I used to play all the time with my first officer.” Prime timeline Kirk played 3d chess with Spock in “Where No Man Has Gone Before”, “Charlie X”, and in “Court Martial” Kirk teases Spock by telling him he may be able to beat his next captain at the game.

    • The $20 bills we see appear to all still feature Queen Elizabeth II’s portrait, despite the fact that this episode presumably takes place after 2024. Which would seem to indicate that the process of replacing the queen’s portrait with that of King Chuck III is really dragging, and not that this episode was filmed on location seven months before the queen’s passing in 2022.

    • The song that plays during the chess montage is “This Is It” by The Home of Happy, produced in 2021.

    • Things the money Kirk wins is able to purchase:

      • Three hotdogs

      • A nice hotel room

      • A bribe large enough to cross the Canadian-American boarder without identification immediately after a terrorist attack

      • A taxi ride

      • Four bus rides

      • Whatever combination of taxi and buses are necessary to return to Toronto

      • A bribe large enough to cross the boarder back into Canada immediately after a terrorist attack

  • Kirk disables a bystander with nerve pinch, claiming a Vulcan cellmate in a Denobulan prison taught him how to perform the technique. In “The Omega Glory” prime timeline Kirk lamented that Spock was unable to teach him how to execute a nerve pinch to which Spock replied, ”I have tried, Captain.”

  • Plomeek soup was first mentioned in “Amok Time”.

  • Kirk’s initial difficulty driving the stolen car mirror’s prime timeline Kirk’s issues in “A Piece of the Action”. To be fair, the automobile in “A Piece of the Action” had a manual transmission.

    • We never saw if Kelvin Kirk had any problems getting the car he stole from his step-father started in 2009’s “Star Trek”.
  • Kirk’s middle name, Tiberius, was established in the TAS episode, “Bem”. Prior to that, the only indication of what his middle name might be was in the second pilot, “Where No Man Has Gone Before” when Gary Mitchell created a tombstone reading ”James R. Kirk”. The episode ends with Kirk thinking aloud to himself, ”Did Gary think my middle name is Riberius?”

  • “Most people call him George.” In “What Are Little Girls Made Of” the android duplicate of Kirk infused with his memories claims that only Kirk calls his brother Sam, but in “Operation -- Annihilate!” both Bones and Sam’s wife also call him Sam and the name George is never mentioned.

  • Kirk mistakenly calls La’an “Noonien-Soong.” We know from “Farewell” that Adam Soong has some involvement with Project Khan, which presumably led to the genetic modification of her ancestor, Khan Noonien Singh.

  • The song that plays during the car chase is “Modern Art” by the Black Lips, produced in 2011.

  • “Ok, so Chernobyl, Tunguska, JFK, random gas leak explosions…all of it is about slowing down human progress.” Gene Roddenberry proposed a plot for a “Star Trek III” movie about the crew of the Enterprise needing to travel back in time to stop Klingons from assassinating JFK.

  • The images on Sera’s tablet are:

    • A crater on the moon

    • The World Trade Centre attack

    • Crop circles

    • Toronto City hall - also seen through an Iconian gateway in “Contagion”

    • A Romulan Bird-of-Prey - this appears to be the newer digital model used in “Stardust City Rag” and “A Quality of Mercy” - notably, this BoP lacks the painted bird on the underside

  • Khan Noonien Singh was introduced in “Space Seed” where Scotty said of him, *”I must confess, gentlemen, I’ve always had a sneaking admiration for this one.” After learning that Khan is Canadian, I suddenly understand where Scotty and Kirk were coming from in that episode when they expressed they admired Khan. Notably James Doohan and William Shatner are also Canadian.

  • Among the drawings outside L’il Khan’s room there is also a drawing of a Babylonian tablet he appears to be translating.

  • ”--and all this is supposed to happen back in 1992, and I’ve been stuck here for 30 years!” In “Space Seed” it is stated by Spock that Khan ruled more than a quarter of the world from 1992 until 1996. In “Farwell” the funding report for Project Khan that Adam Soong had was dated 1996. We also saw the USS Voyager travel to 1996 in “Future’s End” and “Future’s End, Part II” and there is no mention or indication of the Eugenics Wars. “Strange New Worlds” established that the Eugenics Wars happened in the 21st century.

    • Spock also says in “Space Seed” that “Records of that period are fragmentary.”
  • After she’s shot, Sera activates a something in her neck which causes her body to disintegrate, similar to what we see the Tal’Shiar assassins do in “Remembrance” and “The End is the Beginning”.

  • Upon being prompted, L’il Khan indicates that the photo of himself and six other children shows ”others like [him].” In “Space Seed” there were 84 augments aboard the SS Botany Bay, though 12 of them died due to faulty suspended animation pods. In “Star Trek Into Darkness” Section 31 found Khan and 72 other augments aboard the ship.

  • La’an leaves Sera’s loaded gun in L’il Khan’s room, and though it’s not explicitly said, I feel like we might know how the superior man makes his escape from a Toronto stripmall cold fusion plant, and becomes ruler of a quarter of the planet.



  • The title “Ad Astra per Aspera” is Latin, meaning ”to the stars through difficulty.” The phrase was seen on the United Earth Starfleet flag outside Starfleet HQ in “Shadows of P’Jem”, and the updated Starfleet seal introduced in “Regeneration”

  • In flashback we see a young Number One with a compound fracture in her leg; her glowing healing abilities are evident but her mother says, ”Her system can’t handle it. She is a child.” In “Ghosts of Illyria” the adult Number One’s system is able to cure both herself and La’an of exposure to toxic radiation levels from an imminent warp core breach.

  • The room in which Captain Batel offers her plea deal to Number one has flags representing Tellar Prime, Vulcan, Starfleet Command, the Andorian Empire, and United Earth.

  • Pike records the stardate as 2393.8 in his personal log. His log in the previous episode had the stardate as 2369.2, and he claimed in that episode that his trip to visit Neera Ketoul woul last only three days.

  • Pike has travelled to the Vaultera Nebula, which was mentioned by Number One in the episode, “Ghosts of Illyria” as the location of ”the original Illyrian settlement.”

    • ”The atmosphere here is not suitable for human life. The locals, however, have adapted.” In “Ghosts of Illyria” we learned that as opposed to terraforming worlds, Illyrians use genetic engineering to modify their bodies to live in environments they otherwise couldn’t.
  • ”Or do they not teach reading the room at the Academy?” In the DIS episode “Brother” Pike’s academy transcript was displayed on the main viewscreen, and he received D- in reading the room.

  • ”I saw what happened to Illyrians who reverse their genetic modification just so the Federation will accept them.” Pike is referring to the events of “Ghosts of Illyria”, though in that episode it seemed as though the transformation that happened to the Hetemit IX colony was less because they were Illyrians, and more because having reversed their genetic modifications the colonists no longer had their enhanced disease fighting capabilities.

  • Number One tells Ketoul that ”Until two months ago my record with Starfleet was spotless,” giving us a rough idea how much time has passed since season one’s finale, “A Quality of Mercy”.

  • ”Some Illyrians have modifications they can’t hide….” The first Illyrians we saw other than Number One in “The Menagerie” were in the ENT episode “Damage”, where they had forehead ridges, and in “Ghosts of Illyria” Number One pulled up a display of Illyrian children, one of whom had the same ridges as well as webbed fingers, one with enlarged ears and elongated eyelashes, one with oval pupils, and one with pupiless pearlescent eyeballs.

  • Number is being charged with violating Starfleet code 614 to 617, prohibiting Starfleet officers from engaging in permanent bioengineering.

    • Genetic modification being illegal was not introduced to Trek canon until the fifth season of DS9’s “Doctor Bashir, I Presume”.

    • In “Genesis” Doctor Crusher intentionally activated a dormant gene in lieutenant Barclay which caused him to transform into a spider, and everyone else aboard the enterprise to “devolve” to more primitive lifeforms as well.

    • In “Doctor Bashir, I Presume”, Doctor Bashir’s enhancements are overlooked and he’s allowed to continue to serve in Starfleet after his father makes a plea deal as the one who arranged for the enhancements.

    • We learn that Chakotay’s was genetically manipulated by his family doctor prior to birth in “The Fight”, suppressing the gene for a cognitive disorder called sensory tremens.

    • Miral Paris was genetically modified in the womb by the Doctor to correct a congenital spinal defect, and in the alternate future of “Endgame” she was still able to serve in Starfleet.

    • In “Lethe” Admiral Cornwell was aware that Stamets modified his own genetics with the tardigrade’s DNA, and mentions that it is in violation of Starfleet’s rules, but the matter was never brought up again.

  • Pike relates to Batel his first encounter with Number One where he gave a speech her Starfleet Academy class about a test mission he’d flown. “Light and Shadows” established that Pike’s first assignment in Starfleet was test pilot.

  • Kal-toh is a Vulcan game introduced in “Alter Ego”, similar to pick-up sticks.

  • ”I regret that you had to witness that outburst.” Spock has lost all control.

    • Spock describes Pasalk as a ”former colleague” of his father. You can tell Spock is out of sorts after the discussion because he volunteered information about a personal acquaintance without prompting.
  • ”Per regulation 25, section B, all personal logs remained sealed unless by order of Starfleet command.” In “Second Contact” Mariner claimed that regulation 25 also prohibits selling Starfleet technology.

    • In “Crisis Point” Boimler was able to have the holodeck create highly accurate simulations of the USS Cerritos crew by having the computer analyze their personal logs. Though Ketoul later says that it takes six months and approval from several admirals to unseal a personal log, and we know Boimler is nothing if not persistent.
  • Starfleet courtrooms using a bell goes back to “Court Martial”, and has been seen in “The First Duty” and “Rules of Engagement”.

  • The courtroom set is a redress of the USS Shenzhou bridge set first seen in “The Vulcan Hello”. It has been used as:

    • The bridge of the mirror universe ISS Shenzhou

    • The bridge of Leland’s Section 31 starship, NCIA-93

    • The 32nd century Federation Headquarters

  • This is our first look at the dress uniforms for the pre-TOS era. Even during the awards ceremony in “Will You Take My Hand?” there were not dress uniforms in DIS.

    • This iteration of the dress uniform is pretty clearly inspired by what was introduced in TOS, up to and including the decorations worn in place of the Starfleet insignia.

    • Spocks’ decorations are arranged in the same configuration seen on his TOS uniform, except a bauble that hangs below the array is missing.

  • Admiral Zus Tlaggul is played by David Benjamin Tomlinson, who also plays Linus on DIS.

  • The term ”Space Command” is from “Court Martial”, where Commodore Stone was the Space Command Representative. “Space Command” has not been used in any other episode.

  • As in “Court Martial”, Number One has to consent to her prosecuting officer.

  • The charges against Number One are read out by the computer, as was the case “Court Martial”.

  • Number One’s service record shows that she has previously served on:

    • The USS Martin Luthor King Jr. - established in “Strange New Worlds”

    • The USS Antares - Pike’s service record in “Brother” showed he also served on the Antares and Number One wore a pin commemorating crewmates lost aboard the Antares in “Memento Mori”

    • The USS Chatelet - again, Pike’s service record seen in “Brother” established he two served aboard the Chatelet

    • A redacted ship - we know Number One was in command of the USS Archer during its mission leading to the events of “Strange New Worlds”

  • There are two reliefs in the courtroom which appears to feature a number of alien species seen throughout Trek:

    • Tiburonian - “The Way to Eden”

    • Saurian - “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”

    • Zaranite - “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”

    • Osnullus - “Context is for Kings”

    • Caitian - “The Survivor”

    • Andorian - “Journey to Babel”

    • Betelgausian - “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”

    • Tellarite - “Journey to Babel”

    • A tall robed alien - “Journey to Babel” - they were called giants on the call sheet for the episode, and in STO they’re referred to as Zambeans

    • Algolian - “Ménage à Troi”

    • Rhaandite - “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”

    • Vulcan - “Where No Man Has Gone Before”

    • There are eight beings on the reliefs whose species I haven’t yet managed to identify, but presumably one of them is human

  • The chair people sit in while testifying is inspired by the one seen in “Court Martial” including the circular sensor built into the right armrest to detect the truthfulness of any given statement.

  • ”It would seem that the rules of Starfleet only apply when a captain deems that they do.” Please see “All of Star Trek”.

  • Admiral April recommended Number One for the Medal of Gallantry. Starfleet also has a Decoration for Valor and Gallantry mentioned in “The Measure of a Man”, and a Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry noted in “Court Martial”.

  • In response to being asked when he first met Number One, Spock says it was his first day as an ensign aboard the Enterprise, and encounter we saw in the “Q&A” short.

    • Spock outs Number One as having an affinity for Gilbert and Sullivan; in “Q&A” the pair sung the “Major-General’s Song” together while trapped in a turbolift.
  • La’an states that Number One was part of the rescue mission that found her, which was included in La’an’s file seen in “Strange New Worlds”.

  • Batel asks La’an if her last name means she is related to Khan Noonien-Singh, which she confirms. The augment leader Khan was introduced in “Space Seed”.

  • La’an tells Ketoul that she was angry upon learning Number One is Illyrian; this happened in “Ghosts of Illyria” but we were not privy to La’an’s log entry.

  • It is at least strongly implied if not outright stated that La’an carries Khan’s genetic augmentations, despite the centuries separating them.

  • Number One answers Vice Admiral Pasalk question of when Pike learned she’s Illyrian with stardate 1224.3, the stardate given in her first officer’s log in “Ghosts of Illyria”.

  • When asked who’s flying the ship, Ortegas says *”The thing practically flies itself.” In “Star Trek: The Search for Spock” Scotty says ”A chimpanzee and two trainees could run [the Enterprise ].”

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Personally I would probably put "Devil's Due" at number one, but I realized not everyone can have such a refined taste in Trek.

Engage! (

So many Klingons, and still no raktajino.


Big thanks to everyone who setting this up. I look forward to lurking and posting silly nonsense about Trek canon here.

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