
joined 1 year ago
[–] Tremble 1 points 1 year ago

The funny thing is that close to 2/3rds (more on many issues) of Americans actually support the policies that are on the far left (of American politics).

But because we have all been watching corporate media that is literally lying to us, we have been lead to believe that we don’t actually believe what we actually believe.

When you starting breaking down the policies and explain them in simple details, (should we all have healthcare), america is far left when it comes to policies we ALL support.

But ask a Republican if they like “Obamacare” and you will get a completely different answer. This is assuming we are not discussing policy minutiae within Obamacare just Obamacare in general….. and it is pretty much like this across the board….

America is FAR more leftist than the corporate oligarchy would have you believe.

But instead of burning down buildings because of police brutality, low wages, and lack of even the most basic social safety net…..

We are arguing over whether rail workers should get one hour of sick time a year….

It’s fucking ludicrous.

And I know y’all don’t like it…. A vote for a Biden is a vote for more of the same corrupt politics, corporate PACS and corporate donations and the revolving door of senators being bribed for their votes and lining their own pockets.

Y’all are arguing about whether a facist will be our leader, but we already live under a corporate oligarchy…

[–] Tremble 0 points 1 year ago

Happy new year…. Not avoiding anyone but yea,

These arguments about lesser of two evils, oh it’s not Biden’s fault he couldn’t do anything, oh (the Republican candidate) is going to bring facism.

People are tired of the same tired rhetoric. They don’t care. They aren’t going to just fall in line because you are shouting at them vote blue no matter who.

And a lot of career politicians don’t understand that the old way of doing things isn’t going to work anymore. It’s a slow change and yea hopefully we can claw back democracy from the corporate oligarchy, but I personally don’t have much faith. I probably will not vote for Biden but I do live in a pretty solid blue state in an extremely blue county, so i can leave President option blank without much recourse.

[–] Tremble -1 points 1 year ago
[–] Tremble -2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

How the turntables, Mr. Fartington 👀

[–] Tremble 4 points 1 year ago (9 children)

Biden’s greatest talking point is that he is not Trump.

It’s sad, and it doesn’t make me happy…. But Biden is going to lose.

[–] Tremble 2 points 1 year ago

I assume he stopped blocking it because his good friend Manchen’s daughter is no longer CEO of the epipen company.

[–] Tremble 2 points 1 year ago

President doesn’t need to point a gun at someone, just a TV camera and the willingness to actually fight for something.

[–] Tremble 2 points 1 year ago

The cool thing is though, nothing you or I or anyone else has said here is important.

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