This. Those machines are nearly impossible to properly sanitize when you're NOT underpaid and overworked...
Can't imagine when they are
This. Those machines are nearly impossible to properly sanitize when you're NOT underpaid and overworked...
Can't imagine when they are
Old middle eastern lady called me habibi once in a checkout line..
Still think about that sometimes
Warthunder launches from steam, using WT proprietary launcher.
It's Def a thing
The Canadian conservatives are systematically destroying this country.
Alberta is already headed down the toilet, Ontario is following close behind...
Just India things ❤️
But number go up?!?
Jesus fucking christ
'The chief medical examiner ruled it a homicide. Yet today's decision tells the world that the rights and dignity of First Nations people and that a ruling by a chief medical examiner can be disregarded without consequence. So that bothers me," Merrick told reporters outside court.'
Identical to my toddlers pooping face
Lmao you guys waited 80 years to become nazis
Enjoy that dogshit legacy
Wife forget his name the other day..
'the Russian dude. Poblob. Polbob.. Palbob... The dog guy.' 'oh pavlov' 'yeah whatever, close enough'
'free water dispenser at your house'
You still get a water bill my dude, cheap isn't free... Also OP is upset at the loss of convenience, not access.