
joined 2 years ago
[–] TheMetaleek 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

J'ai réalisé seulement après mes 20 ans que "euro" c'était parce que c'était la monnaie de l'Europe... Mais le must c'était quand même au collège, j'ai dévoré les livres Harry Potter, sans avoir lu les films, et quand j'en parlais je prononçais Ron comme le mot "rond", jusqu'à tomber honteusement tard sur quelqu'un qui m'a pointé la prononciation normale

[–] TheMetaleek 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

J'ai fini le roman graphique "Les guerres de Lucas" que j'ai trouvé très agréable et informatif même pour un fan de la saga Star wars. J'ai aussi commencé le "Petit traité d'anatomie superflue" de Guillaume Lecointre, très intéressant aussi même si je trouve la structure du bouquin parfois redondante, ce qui est bien ironique vu son sujet :)

[–] TheMetaleek 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

My favourite cards artwork is also my favourite board game, Oceans ( ) ! Especially on the collector edition with holographic special cards, really cool artworks overall (and really good game too)

[–] TheMetaleek 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I hadn't had this much trouble since making Battle for Middle Earth 2 work on windows 10 a few years back. I'll be sure to play the hell out of this now that it works :)

[–] TheMetaleek 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Hello again! I finally succeeded to make it work in a satisfying way. The key issue was indeed an adapter output problem, BUT for some reason rdr2 kept saying that the integrated graohics had more vram than the dedicated gpu, and switched to it even though I forced it. On top of that the vsync for some reason capped the fps at 30, weirdly.

Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to answer me and suggest all those things, you really were a light in the dark in all this troubleshooting!

[–] TheMetaleek 1 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Thanks again again :) All the points you suggested have been checked, I'll try again from the device manager as you suggested, and I'll take anything you dreamed of!

[–] TheMetaleek 1 points 1 month ago

Thank you again for your time! The output adapter is set to 1, the Nvidia GPU. As for DirectX, it starts with an error telling me to update drivers, even though I ensured they all were set to the latest version... If you have any other questions, or idea, I'm up for it!

[–] TheMetaleek 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Thanks for answering! I kept my laptop plugged in, and as for other games I was able to run Helldivers 2 or Sea of Thieves both absolutely maxed out on 1080p with more than 100 fps.

This is why I asked here, it really seems there's a specific issue with rdr2 that I can't seem to figure out


Hi everyone, I hope this community will help me. I recently got a new PC, and was excited to try a few games on it. My setup is a MSI katana 17 B13VGK, with a RTX4070, i7 13620H, and 32Go RAM. By my understanding, I should be able to run this with maxed out settings in 1080p without any issue, when I tried RDR2, I was barely getting 10 fps mean on the performance test. The game is set to my dedicated GPU and not the integrated one, and any tweaks I tried (deleting pipeline files) did not change anything.

If you have any ideas, I'm open to anything that could help me enjoy this game ! Thanks in advance

[–] TheMetaleek 4 points 1 month ago

Traduction française de "mansplain" j'imagine ? Donc s'exprimer avec plus d'assurance que de raison sous prétexte qu'on est un homme s'adressant à une femme.

[–] TheMetaleek 39 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (10 children)

Maybe, just maybe, if editors did a hint of work with all the money they steal from public science funding, we could stabilise the system towards more integrity and less quantity of publication. Or also just get rid of editors to obtain the same result, but this is sadly utopic today. Peer reviewing is not the problem, and probably still is the best way to assess research quality. However, tendency towards quantity over quality, and applied research over fundamental are what skews the process and its results

[–] TheMetaleek 14 points 4 months ago (1 children)

As others have stated, water in trees gets up thanks to two processes. The first is indeed capillary action. The tubes carrying the water are rather thin, and it clings to the sides of it. But this is a rather small part of the total energy carrying the water. The main mechanism is a negative pressure inside the vascular system of the tree. Basically, tree leaves sweat water all the time (more or less depending on temperature). The water leaving the tree kind of sucks up the water following inside the vessels (this is a simplification to not go into the physics behind). In some larger trees, the negative pressure inside the vascular system can be exceptionally strong, requiring exceptional strength of the tree's components.

[–] TheMetaleek 6 points 4 months ago

They are its legs, however they are heavily modified legs made for strongly grappling prey


Sarcosuchus was one of the largest crocodylomorph to ever live, around 110 million years ago. This incredible specimen is exposed in Paris, at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, in the Paleontology gallery. Some bones are artificial and can be recognized by the uniform grey color (like most of the limbs), but a lot of other are directly from the specimen, like almost all of the skull ! Picture from Wikipedia, by Shadowgate from Novara, ITALY

Crocodilia on Wikipedia (
submitted 2 years ago by TheMetaleek to c/crocodiles

As the start of this community, why not learn about the group including all extant crocodiles ?

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