Maybe, just maybe, if editors did a hint of work with all the money they steal from public science funding, we could stabilise the system towards more integrity and less quantity of publication. Or also just get rid of editors to obtain the same result, but this is sadly utopic today. Peer reviewing is not the problem, and probably still is the best way to assess research quality. However, tendency towards quantity over quality, and applied research over fundamental are what skews the process and its results
As others have stated, water in trees gets up thanks to two processes. The first is indeed capillary action. The tubes carrying the water are rather thin, and it clings to the sides of it. But this is a rather small part of the total energy carrying the water. The main mechanism is a negative pressure inside the vascular system of the tree. Basically, tree leaves sweat water all the time (more or less depending on temperature). The water leaving the tree kind of sucks up the water following inside the vessels (this is a simplification to not go into the physics behind). In some larger trees, the negative pressure inside the vascular system can be exceptionally strong, requiring exceptional strength of the tree's components.
They are its legs, however they are heavily modified legs made for strongly grappling prey
Le site est propre, par contre il manque l'option d'ajouter un animal je crois (usage certes circonstanciel mais personnellement nécessaire).
I am European and heavily against punitive justice. But I think one year of prison for a crime almost universally considered among the worst is not enough for rehabilitation, and I find this opinion validated by the lack of understanding or even remorse shown by the guy in public statements
He did barely a year of prison... I personally don't quite think it's enough for raping a kid, but hey that's just my opinion
Bonjour, C'est une mauvaise lecture, heureusement 70% des espèces n'ont pas disparu, les populations pour beaucoup d'espèces ont chutés de 70%, ce qui est déjà largement assez dramatique, avec effectivement beaucoup de conséquences comme les zoonoses (passages de virus de la faune sauvage vers l'humain). Pour l'anecdote, 70% d'espèces véritablement éteintes, c'est l'estimation pour la crise crétacé-tertiaire s'il y a 66 millions d'années, avec son combo météorite-volcanisme-changement climatique !
Continuing a deep rock galactic addiction, and used the sales to start sea of thieves with some mates, having a blast for the moment!
Trop cool ! Dans les JDR light, j'ai beaucoup aimé For the queen (Pour la Reine en VF) qui fonctionne plutôt bien avec des enfants, le côté on raconte une histoire comme on veut c'est vraiment chouette
You have to collect rainwater, using either pots or collectors that you can build with carpentry 4+. You will indeed have to purify it by heating
C'est possible, je serai curieux de voir le résultat aujourd'hui, car j'ai l'impression que le train continue d'augmenter plus vite que le carburant (mais je ne suis plus autant les prix de l'essence donc ça vaut ce que ça vaut)
Traduction française de "mansplain" j'imagine ? Donc s'exprimer avec plus d'assurance que de raison sous prétexte qu'on est un homme s'adressant à une femme.