submitted 3 months ago by TacoButtPlug to c/[email protected]

Been using Marcin's beautifully created bookmark manager since yahoo killed delicious. It was yahoo that bought it right? I digress. Anyway, I've been paying for his service since he mentioned it would be helpful if the old users also contributed BUT the site's downtime has been rough and unpredictable lately. It's just worrying mostly because Marcin doesn't seem to be minding the incoming questions. Emails go ignored. He doesn't seem to upkeep his pinboard focused google group either. He is active on twitter but one needs a twitter account to see twitter anymore so that's not helpful for non twitter account holders. I'm just generally concerned. Any pinboard users here? It's probably time to start running my own bookmark system isn't it? Your thoughts on the stability of pinboard?

[-] TacoButtPlug 78 points 4 months ago
  • The homeless
  • Children
  • Chronically ill
  • Disabled
  • Sex workers
[-] TacoButtPlug 67 points 4 months ago
[-] TacoButtPlug 58 points 4 months ago

If they find Israel was lying... (😱)... then the US should give whatever it was financially going to give Israel, to the UNRWA. That, or Israel needs to actually and directly pay for its bullshit for once.

[-] TacoButtPlug 57 points 4 months ago

Nothing shows how bought out the Republicans are to Russia more than the statement on how they didn't want to send weapons to perpetuate war. That's all these assholes want to ever do. The one time they don't and it's for daddy Putin. Half the issues with populism in the US seem to stem from the level of destructive populism Russia enjoys.

Earthquake! (self.lax)
submitted 5 months ago by TacoButtPlug to c/[email protected]
[-] TacoButtPlug 76 points 5 months ago

"I like you as you are Exactly and precisely I think you turned out nicely And I like you as you are

I like you as you are Without a doubt or question Or even a suggestion Cause I like you as you are

I like your disposition Your facial composition And with your kind permission I’ll shout it to a star

I like you as you are I wouldn’t want to change you Or even rearrange you Not by far

I like you I-L-I-K-E-Y-O-U I like you, yes I do I like you, Y-O-U I like you, like you as you are"

  • Mr. Rogers
submitted 5 months ago by TacoButtPlug to c/tacobuttplug
[-] TacoButtPlug 99 points 5 months ago

It's crazy how many people just on this meme think antifa is an actual organization. 🤦

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by TacoButtPlug to c/tacobuttplug

did a dumb thing that was time and effort. i hate the platform it was on because its ui is garbage. but i also blame myself for even bothering.

edit: dude wtf. this is my group. fuck you all.

submitted 5 months ago by TacoButtPlug to c/apple

I don't want to use the iCloud storage but it did end up somehow uploading an amount of my photos, not completely using up the free storage but almost. And it is emailing me pretty much every single day to upgrade. I don't want to. I can't find anything that tells me how to get it to stop email harassing me. Is there no way to make it shut up?

submitted 5 months ago by TacoButtPlug to c/[email protected]

May be a dumb question but are there any one in the same fediverse and rss readers in one for android?

Get in loser... (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 6 months ago by TacoButtPlug to c/[email protected]
submitted 6 months ago by TacoButtPlug to c/[email protected]

News says it was 100 years old. Says it closed suddenly. I've never stopped there because a hot bowl of pea soup next to the smell of the cattle feed lots when it's 100 degrees has never sounded appealing but someone liked it enough to last that long.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TacoButtPlug to c/tacobuttplug

Look, I'm an old millennial. And apparently I'm wrong in thinking everyone understands and comprehends identity security and personal autonomy online. The general population, on the other hand, are so open and ready to share all online and they see no issue with who sees what or what entity gains access to it. I think that's scary people are that unaware of how critical it really is to try and safeguard yourself from being commoditized as much as you possibly can. Online, for sure - but also irl. But that's another post for another day of which I don't care to do. I've just had some pretty recent conversations with friends who didn't know to not be so open about themselves online when they were younger and wished they had known. It made me realize not everyone grows up a network security nerd and therefore not everyone* actually understands how personal identities on the internet are important to manage properly. Anyway ...

I have never used a real identity for anything online. Not even for linkedin. It's been rule of law since my entrance onto the intenet during the days of ICQ and IRC. I did willfully and openly join Friendster. I did not willfully and openly join any other social media. In some moments I had to create an account somewhere to talk to classmates, show a portfolio, or keep connections so I could continue projects and foster good relations. But even then... no real name. So when reddit died I was fucking happy to join the fediverse and start learning about decentralization. That is to say - I don't fucking trust Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Steve Huffman, Evan Shmeigel (lol), or any other self proclaimed tech boy shithead trying to rake and harvest every piece of data and identity they can get their hands on. I am on lemmy to avoid that shit while still interacting with what appears to be a network of mostly rational and most likely either college educated and/or industry trained nerds.

So this is generally just a long post to say I'm not for federation with billionaire corps who are basically just right wing defense contractors, at this point. I am not for making nice with Meta in any fucking instance in the same way I don't care to make nice with Northrop Gruman. There's really no fucking difference between the two, to be honest. They both have way too much power and both only exist to start, and profit from conflict. I'm not interested in doing any fucking business with a mindset like that. So no, I'm not interested in federation with war criminals and population controllers. We all know info is a great way to keep people in control. The fediverse, while small - clearly has an appeal and plenty of info data. I don't need Mark's needley hands near it. Not all info platforms are created equal. Some have a fairly wholesome foundation and intent. Granted, not many. Many others are just weapons. Threads doesn't exist to serve a general community good. It exists to exploit, manipulate, extort, and destroy. Meta is a weapon. Therefore, so is Threads.

With all that said - I will be watching for the instances that aren't interested in "hearing out" or "waiting to see" what a war criminal wants to do with their billion dollar experiment. I will be deleting my subscriptions to places like lemmy.world and sticking to the walled garden. Why? Because, while I know it's not foolproof - it sends these fuckers a message that they don't get to just walk in and control literally everything. And also if I am given an opportunity - no matter how small it is - to manage my own data how I want to, I will take it instead of fore-fitting it like a subservient clueless dipshit. That's just how I roll. Thankfully that's how the fediverse rolls too.

Happy Halloween!! (self.tacobuttplug)
submitted 6 months ago by TacoButtPlug to c/tacobuttplug

I love tumblr because that's whats trending today.

[-] TacoButtPlug 101 points 6 months ago

Yea... Meta took the same "free peaches" approach and the entire fucking globe is now dealing with various versions of white nationalism. So like, can we actually give censorship of hate a fucking try for once? I'm willing to go down that road.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by TacoButtPlug to c/[email protected]

Hey - what else do you all do to back your data up outside of just depending on icloud or dropbox? I'm just curious how everyone handles additional backups.

submitted 7 months ago by TacoButtPlug to c/askshit

I feel like I've seen another community where one can ask questions to more users.

[-] TacoButtPlug 87 points 10 months ago

How is it police unions seemingly have more power than any other union? The writers are striking and that's barely doing anything for them but the pigs? They just have to bat an eyelash and get what they want...

[-] TacoButtPlug 50 points 10 months ago

In America, software owns you

[-] TacoButtPlug 149 points 10 months ago

The GOP is a terrorist organization.

[-] TacoButtPlug 62 points 10 months ago

But is it really math that's keeping people from joining?

[-] TacoButtPlug 101 points 11 months ago

Idk about this suit but let's not forget how Facebook did actually in fact get a fascist elected president.


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