Let’s go [email protected]
95% of the vote counts instead 40%, the two main parties have stiffer competition, more accountability in politics, the government listens to the populace more, better climate action, minorities are better represented, stronger economic growth, healthcare performs better than in first-past-the-post/autocratic societies.
They should because that thing will increase the pedestrian’s rate of injury or death.
It’s funny this story made it to the cbc. Not very patriotic of the conservatives.
Democrats need to filibuster every garbage transphobic bill.
Don’t try to mansplain me.
We’re a constitutional monarchy not a republic…
The governor generals have made massive political changes in our politics. To say the British monarchy is not involved is completely inaccurate.
They gave 100m to the antivaxxer Joe Rogan and have been caught red handed avoiding taxes.
Qobuz is way better!
Thanks Blaze I needed this thread!
That’s like saying the sky isn’t blue. It’s part of our political process nonetheless.
Looks like Footlocker and Claire's are on the boycott list now!