Not me. I've avoided all possibility of getting wrinkles by living secluded in a cave 😎 No sunlight will make me ugly.
This is unironically good for Kamala's chances. The average person in the US is racist, but not racist enough to not to feel second hand embarrassment from such overt comments, which may, ironically, make them a little bit less racist and make them think twice before voting Republican in 2024.
I'd upvote the meme if it wasn't also controversial to criticize all war criminals, including both those at the top and the bottom.
Edit: For a source, see people in this thread rushing to argue and feel called out when someone criticizes "all forms of imperialism", including the Western ones.
Note that both of these behaviors may be valid strategies, rather than ideological fervor. As members of the Democratic Party, Harris and Warren are somewhat expected to participate in team efforts; while Sanders, by virtue of being independent, should avoid being taken from granted, as forcing other representatives to negotiate with him gives him a bit of leverage to introduce changes to bills. There's a reason why he's been capable of influencing so much policy despite being an outsider.
So in Europe, it is standard govermental procedere to transfer 20% ownership of big corporations to employees? It is standard govermental procedere to have 45% of BoD elected by workers?
It is absolutely not standard in Europe, so have my upvote. Although there are exceptional cases such as Germany's, where large enough companies must assign a percentage of the BoD positions to worker-elected union members.
I'd probably put Sanders left of plenty of European social-democratic parties, roughly landing around the positions of contemporary left populist parties (Podemos, France Insoumise, old Syriza), perhaps somewhat distanced from Eurocommunist parties.
I hold no doubt in my heart that they absolutely hated this because they found her hot.
How would they react if they were told that they're using the colors of the trans flag?
I for one support him on his gender affirming medical procedures.
and the majority of our news publications are compromised by wealthy owners
This is true in the vast majority of European countries too. If anything, you usually find an exception in a public broadcasting channel, which may or may not be influenced by political officials.
Completely agreed. Often enough, the stubbornness and even the constant wilful misinterpretations often made me feel like the place was infested with bots. "This is why I don't think Biden is a good candidate" was CONSTANTLY met with "Oh, so you want Trump to win then?", burying the initial criticism even when it came from people who were arguing for the sake of not letting Republicans win. I hope they at some point come to understand why the term blue MAGA has been steadily gaining popularity.
The only way Bernie can win a position of power is by revolt of the bases through the primaries, because the party establishment is not going to allow it any other way. Aside from his political leanings, having him gain relevance now when the paradigm is "how could we end up with such a dinosaur at the helm?" is almost impossible, even though he is by all means more sentient than both Biden and Trump. Still, I think it would be good.
Call me naive but I don't trust AI to currently have the smarts to draw those clavicles under the clothes.