So that's why my work laptop is down for the count today. I'm even getting that same error as the thumbnail picture
Yeah the last two were done by Taika Waititi, and if you've seen any of his other movies its on par with that directing style.
Imo Thor Ragnarok was the best standalone Thor movie, even if they completely changed the character.
The Love and Thunder one just felt like a repeat of Ragnarok in a lot of ways.
Exactly! That's what I saw as well. Like they saw how successful Deadpool was and thought we should do the same, just with less violence and vulgarity, and have them all be that way.
I recently decided to rewatch all the Marvel movies, because I'm boring, and after Guardians it took a pretty big turn.
Going from the more gritty drama with some funny one liners ever so once in awhile, to let's see how many one liners and nonchalant comedy we can put in.
Then after Endgame they ramped that shit up
I want a single bedroom apartment for 850.
6 one way, a half dozen the other.
Any battle royale games. They all look so toxic.
Most survival builder games. They're all the same. Only exception is Project Zomboid, but it has to be with friends.
Soulsborne games. If the game is hard, just to be hard it's not that fun for myself. I play games to escape the stress from my life. Not add to it.
Horror games. I have enough anxiety about mundane shit as it is, I don't need a game to give me more.
Whenever I see something like this I feel I must defend my friend who's a cop.
Before being a cop he was a lifeguard at a beach and my bassist.
Baywatch may tell you differently, but being a lifeguard is a seasonal job, and not a career. The next level of being a lifeguard is becoming a cop, so he did, and he has only beaten one black man so far.
It's fairly insane that from Romford to Sutton which is only 30 miles, it's roughly an hour and 45 minutes.
I just went to the Wiltern in downtown LA last night and it's about the same distance as Romford to Sutton from where I live, and without traffic, it takes 40 minutes, with traffic an hour.
A titanium one is a little much, but the right one can be stimulating for both parties.
I mean I live in Orange County, I lived in Fullerton for 10± years.
Every other car in the OC is a Tesla.
My point is that this isn't an "if" it could happen, as more than a "when" will it happen.
If you read that article and live in the OC anyone would say "yep, sounds like Fullerton"
Welcome to Lemmy! If you thought Reddit was left leaning, you're in for a wild ride!
Also if you're an American you probably shouldn't be, because they automatically assume you're from the Bible belt. They will simultaneously say they don't care for American politics but then will always be talking about it.
Linux is the best OS just don't get into it. You better be using firefox. All the niche subs you had on Reddit aren't here, and you'll more likely just be blocking communities instead of subbing to anything.
And no one reads the articles, way more than reddit imo
The comments are slightly more interesting though.
It's not all that bad though, I'm being a little sarcastic, but only a little...