[-] Spaceinv8er 1 points 3 days ago

Yeah the last two were done by Taika Waititi, and if you've seen any of his other movies its on par with that directing style.

Imo Thor Ragnarok was the best standalone Thor movie, even if they completely changed the character.

The Love and Thunder one just felt like a repeat of Ragnarok in a lot of ways.

[-] Spaceinv8er 8 points 5 days ago

Exactly! That's what I saw as well. Like they saw how successful Deadpool was and thought we should do the same, just with less violence and vulgarity, and have them all be that way.

[-] Spaceinv8er 19 points 5 days ago

I recently decided to rewatch all the Marvel movies, because I'm boring, and after Guardians it took a pretty big turn.

Going from the more gritty drama with some funny one liners ever so once in awhile, to let's see how many one liners and nonchalant comedy we can put in.

Then after Endgame they ramped that shit up

[-] Spaceinv8er 29 points 1 week ago

I want a single bedroom apartment for 850.

[-] Spaceinv8er 38 points 1 week ago

Whenever I see something like this I feel I must defend my friend who's a cop.

Before being a cop he was a lifeguard at a beach and my bassist.

Baywatch may tell you differently, but being a lifeguard is a seasonal job, and not a career. The next level of being a lifeguard is becoming a cop, so he did, and he has only beaten one black man so far.

[-] Spaceinv8er 49 points 3 months ago

You can be an introvert and be talkative, and you can be an extrovert and be shy.

It's all how you recharge your social battery.

I consider myself to be an introvert, but I'm very talkative in social situations. Sometimes I can't shut the fuck up. When I'm done hanging out though, I'm sitting in a dark room for a few days playing video games not hanging with anyone.

I worked with a guy who drove 50 miles to come into the office just so he could be around people, but hardly said anything to anyone.

[-] Spaceinv8er 40 points 4 months ago

It's "An" owner of "A" Chick-fil-A. Not the CEO.

[-] Spaceinv8er 25 points 5 months ago

Humble bundle had a bundle of all the Mega Man games for 20 bucks.

I instantly regretted it once I loaded it up and I thought to myself, I could've just got roms for these and a better emulator than the one it came with... The emulator doesn't even let you fuckin adjust the audio levels.

[-] Spaceinv8er 26 points 8 months ago

Start it at 11 minutes. Everything before that is just his opinions on why people don't want to emulate games.

Not saying it's a waste of time or anything, just if you already know the arguments then it's unnecessary.

[-] Spaceinv8er 40 points 9 months ago

I understand what's trying to be said here but I'd pass on that.

I've lived in apartments most my life. Now that I live in a home that has a backyard, a garage, can't hear what my neighbors are saying, don't need to pay for laundry, don't need to go down an elevator to throw away garbage, and don't have to worry about people pissing in the elevator. I'm not going back to an apartment.

[-] Spaceinv8er 35 points 9 months ago

Honestly, I don't even know myself. Was very much drunk when I wrote this last night. I'll keep it up though for a reminder to not get too drunk and write things like this.

[-] Spaceinv8er 35 points 11 months ago

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but that's because a good amount of the time it's true...

Relationships are a lot of work, but shouldn't be hard. If your relationship is getting so difficult that you feel the need to post your issues on the Internet to get advice from strangers, your relationship is more or less done and haven't really noticed it yet.

If it's a one off issue that you need some outside help to see another perspective, than breaking up is probably not the solution; however, if it's habitual then yeah breaking up is probably for the best.

We tend to have loss aversion and get trapped in the sunken cost fallacy with relationships and can't see that it needs to end.

That said, giving advice for a bad relationship is like seeing a person who has an addiction problem. That person needs to realize what it is, and no amount of advice can help.

submitted 1 year ago by Spaceinv8er to c/golf
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