The problem is it isn’t “both sides” when neither side really represents, I hope, most people. Ten years ago “republican” didn’t really have to imply mouth breathing fox news fanatic, and “democrat” continues more and more to mean “everybody that would be considered left in a european country but also the moderate right that don’t want to gas immigrants”. Any “side” has several if not dozens of wildly different and often barely compatible ideologies, thanks to our two party system.
To speak to a republican you have to simultaneously be prepared for them to casually support some horrific extremist idea, just be a sexist and/or racist insecure twat, or to just want less of their money going to government programs they don’t agree with.
Ranked choice voting, or frankly any voting style besides first past the post is the only way to fix that.
It’s okay - DMing multiple campaigns for sweaty tryhards just massively overprepared me for anything BG3 could throw at me 😅 the solution to many dumb character builds is ~~talking to them about it outside of the game like an adult~~ “okay, roll me a [weakest stat] save”.
Many bosses will be immune to several effects, and scouting what exactly you’ll be facing is time consuming if even possible, so it definitely can fall into a “run into fight - oh I need change my spell list - reload quicksave” which is a little lame but you can’t always be prepared for everything unfortunately.