Fortunately, most animals do not willingly go anywhere near running combustion engines.
No, that’s not how magic’s rules work.
The second most useful thing I learned from statistics courses was the statistics. The first was just how terrible most people are in their application.
Can we petition to change your username? It’s just too ironic for you to be advocating for genocide.
Y’all probably just went “damn, it is way too easy to snoop on our own infrastructure” after checking personally.
Given that both of your examples are commonly authoritarian if not outright fascist in ideology, I’m not exactly sure they’re too interested in class solidarity?
Glad you can grandstand but “you and the inbred moron who voted for the people who enabled things to get this bad are both getting dicked, so you should accept their opinions as respectable” is not the slam dunk argument you think it is.
One would almost suggest making it easier to commit fraud is a feature, not a bug.
You absolutely just have to say “hey DM don’t you agree it’s dumb this 8th level spell doesn’t let me use my existing hexagonal star fort model?”
The second image is strictly inferior though, enemies can make it to the base of the wall and are then much harder to hit/target. Ideally, you’d be able to make a six sided star fort to fit with the usual hexagonal grid, but that’s up to your dm.
That is a lot of words to say “I’m okay with a trump presidency”
Because the american political system is hot garbage, and not voting risks something way worse.
Okay, but only if we compromise and you give me “balls in belt sander” level difficulty in casual games too. None of this skyrim “just double the enemy HP and damage” crap either, I want to be fighting for my fucking life trying to avoid tom nook’s bankruptcy beam.