I actually found an A to A cable in my Big Box of Cables I Might Need One Day™ when trying to flash my Gotek floppy emulator with FlashFloppy firmware.
I considered buying some space from Google since their "never run out of space" thing is long gone from the beta I signed up for.
But then I just nuked my whole storage. Damn that was nice.
Throw that heap out. It's not healthy.
As a night shift worker, breakfast is a good time for a drink.
Can confirm. Fell asleep at a friend's house and he lit my jncos on fire.
Rim that fucking anus.
I don't think so.
I've been in a courtroom with an idiot that was behind on child support that pulled this.
Took the judge 45 minutes to decide he didn't need rights to his child anymore.
We got a triple-yolk from the illegal eggs we buy from a 9 year old girl. But I ain't no snitch so the bacon don't know where I get my eggs.
Someone opened the soap dispensers and put doodoo in them.