[-] Saledovil 2 points 6 days ago

I'm taking an utilitarian approach. Suffering should be avoided, and happiness maximized. Bringing another being into existence guarantees suffering, with a chance of creating happiness. That is not a gamble you should take on behalf of another being.

[-] Saledovil 1 points 6 days ago

Another note on the original post, their argument could also be used to justify going through the NICU and killing every newborn. So there's a clear 'pro life' bias going on here, with acts that bring more life being seen as good, regardless of consent. Wouldn't a more reasoned approach be to maintain, keep those who are alive, alive, and those not yet existing, unexisting? Forcing a being across the border is bad, regardless of direction.

[-] Saledovil 10 points 6 days ago

Under at will employment, neither side is required to give notice before ending the employment.

[-] Saledovil 2 points 6 days ago

Suffering is inherent to the human condition. Is it okay to undertake actions that cause people suffering?

[-] Saledovil 2 points 6 days ago

What previous status quo are antinatalists trying to return to? "Reactionary" is just the left wing equivalent of "woke".

[-] Saledovil 1 points 6 days ago

The problem I have with your argument is that it could easily be used to justify rape. A person who is incapable of giving consent is also incapable of requesting things, so does that make it okay to just assume consent?

[-] Saledovil 14 points 6 days ago

That's just misanthropy.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Saledovil to c/[email protected]

Marked as a spoiler because its a monster from Anomaly. The thing is, these things are not scary, because they don't have the AI necessary to capitalize on their invisibility. They act like typical raiders, meaning you can place your tough melee guys in a chokepoint, and they'll come to get their skulls bashed in.

It would probably be better if they instead acted like predatory animals, milling around on the map, and occasionally hunting one of your colonists. If they'd then avoid groups of colonists, while also always attacking in a group themselves, they'd be a truly terrifying monster. Basically, you'd have to hide out in your base, or go out to hunt them. And if you do choose to wait them out, there would be no indication that they've left.

submitted 1 month ago by Saledovil to c/[email protected]

Follow up to my last post , the problem has been resolved using a killbox. Admittedly, I had to reload several times before I got it right. So in about 5 out of 6 universes, the colony died.

submitted 1 month ago by Saledovil to c/[email protected]

The ongoing toxic fallout means that the sunblocker the mechanoids brought along won't cause any damage for the time being.

[-] Saledovil 55 points 5 months ago

What counters a sniper in the end is good map design. Basically, no matter where the sniper is, there has to be route that allows reaching him without him seeing you before you get into close enough to shoot him.

[-] Saledovil 63 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Yes, people who hate themselves probably have problems that sit deeper than not getting laid, not that not getting laid is really a problem.

submitted 7 months ago by Saledovil to c/[email protected]

Game is "Vintage Story". It's similar to Minecraft, but slower paced.

[-] Saledovil 66 points 8 months ago

Mods that violate public order and morals cause PR damage.

Counterpoint: literally nobody is blaming Bethesda for the stuff you can find on Loverslab.

[-] Saledovil 58 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)
  • The first two want to consolidate power first. Typical capitalist move, get to the top, then pull the ladder up behind you.
  • The third guy has a sensible idea.
  • The 'ban Liberalism' guy probably can't define Liberalism.
  • The 'ban factory farms' guy has a good idea.
  • The 'ban cars' crowd I sorta agree with. Cars should only be used in rural areas, where public transit is not viable.
  • The anti-Israel guy, wants to ban countries from solidarizing with Israel. An inherently pro-war take.
  • Historical Revisionism, I had to look up who Adrian Zenz is, and Zenz is critical of the Uyghur genocide. So yeah, Historical Revisionism just means 'anything I don't like' to this commenter.

Edit: Changed 'urban' to 'rural' as pointed out by @goat.

[-] Saledovil 65 points 11 months ago

Honestly, if they make the original unavailable comercially, acquiring it through non official channels becomes morally acceptable.

submitted 11 months ago by Saledovil to c/moddedminecraft
submitted 1 year ago by Saledovil to c/moddedminecraft

Using the Create mod as part of the 'All the Mods 8' Modpack, I build a bread factory. The contraption on the right automatically harvests the wheat. The wheat is separarated from the wheat seeds using a brass tunnel. At this point, half the wheat is stored in a chest to be used as animal feed. The wheat is fed into a millstone, which turns it into flour. Flour is a feature unique to the create mod, and it allows for more efficient bread baking. By mixing the flour with water in a mixer, dough is created, which is then baked in the automatic oven, which utilizes the feauture bulk blasting to turn dough into bread. This allows creating one bread from one unit of wheat. The entire machine is powered using a large water wheel. One way to improve the machine would be to make the farming area larger, currently, 60 plants are growing at the same time, making the area 11 * 11 instead of 9 * 9 would increase the number of crops being fed into the machine. Also, I should probably decorate the bakery as well.

submitted 1 year ago by Saledovil to c/moddedminecraft

A small workshop with 2 machines, build using the Create Mod as part of the 'AllTheMods8' modpack. I like how the energy logistic looks naturally more interesting compared to other tech mods.

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