[-] [email protected] 1 points 17 hours ago

Before I was convinced every conspiracy theory around them was just that. Now, a kernel of doubt.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 2 days ago

Did it have to be Ubisoft? Couldn't literally any other publisher pick this up?

[-] [email protected] 23 points 2 days ago

Difference here is that parts of the state not hit by the hurricane or otherwise saw inclement weather to any degree are also suffering power outages well outside the zone that would be acceptable. Texas (utility) companies doesn't want to invest in redundancies to give their power grid more endurance than it needs for anything more than a mild breeze and some light rain. Over 2 million people lost power, despite many of those people not seeing any other effects of the hurricane. These things don't happen anywhere else along the gulf coast where hurricanes are just as common, and just as heavy hitting. Texas just doesn't regulate their grid anywhere near the Federal standard everywhere else, and it shows with every year for the last 4 years running regional storms taking the grid out in areas far removed from the zone affected by the storm.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

I'm half ginger and my ex was full ginger.

We used to jokingly bribe people with Klondike bars for their soul.

[-] [email protected] 43 points 3 days ago

Friendly reminder that nearly every recorded and investigated case of voter fraud in the US for the last 20+ years has been committed by Republicans.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

LE should be an empty roll with a magazine or newspaper on the shelf. NE should be empty. CE should be a roll of duct tape.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

I own a Barret .50 Cal for pedestrian defense. Just as the founding fathers intended.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Wet stowage wasn't shells immersed in water or other liquids. It was thin walled tanks between the ammo on the racks so if the compartment got hit, water would hopefully spill out of the reservoir where it was hit and douse any sparks or fire before the ammo could cook off. It was effective at the time, but advancements in the charges used mean that just a few decades later water really wouldn't be able to deal with a fire and the heat in time, so modern NATO tanks use blowout panels instead now to channel any exolision away from the crew compartment.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Jokes on you, those fur suits cost thousands of dollars cause they are lined with Kevlar! /s

[-] [email protected] 12 points 5 days ago

People listing Iron Maiden songs missing the entire point.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Not to defend dems strategy but look at 2010 for a prime example of what my post above was talking about. ACA is exactly what young voters wanted, what dems pushed for in 2008 and was exactly what GOP ran against in 2010. And in 2010, young voters didn't show up, so all the congressional members who pushed it through got unseated by conservatives eager to rip it apart and stonewall anything else Obama did.

So yes, my point stands. It's because young voters do not vote, especially not in midterm years between presidential elections that we aren't getting politicians who appeal to the under 50-60 block. Because even when Dems go all out and give them everything they want, they still don't show up at the polls to maintain momentum, and Dems lose a ton of ground. So can you blame them for making the choice between getting once in a generation power plays to change the status quo then go right back to letting GOP rip everything apart piecemeal and load the courts with conservative judges, or pick safer bet candidates who appeal to the ones who regularly turn out to vote even if progress only comes in bite sized changes they can slip through with aid of moderates and independents?

The math is there, you just have to look at the entire equation. GET OUT AND VOTE. EVERY ELECTION.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 5 days ago

Change starts from the bottom, not the top.

Young people aren't voting = political parties seeing no reason to appeal to them.

Older generations vote, so politicians who appeal to older generations get promoted over ones who might otherwise have broad appeal.

Don't complain about there being nothing but geriatric candidates if you're only engaging in National level races and not taking part in local, regional and state elections that are spring boards for the younger politicians to rise up the ranks to get onto the national level.

You want to see change? Vote. In every election you're eligible to vote in. And get all your friends and co-workers to do the same. Doesn't matter if it's for city council, school board or senate races. Just fucking vote.

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