Sounds more like you dislike bad water. I think well filtered water at this point is table stakes.
Especially if you live in the US where you either have a leaf service line or more PFAS than you’d believe
Sounds more like you dislike bad water. I think well filtered water at this point is table stakes.
Especially if you live in the US where you either have a leaf service line or more PFAS than you’d believe
A 2001 ford ranger isn’t even a large truck. I assumed it would be some post 2020 monstrosity
I don’t know, still sounds like a skill to me.
Not sure where you draw the line here, 20 minutes of training, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year? What interval of training inherently makes someone’s labor magically “skilled” and therefore more valuable and worthy of better treatment?
We could just decide that all labor is valuable and treat people with dignity. The “skilled” and “unskilled” workers have significantly more in common than “skilled” workers do with their bosses.
There is no such thing as unskilled work. That is pure classist bullshit.
Yes, because I can tell the difference between a canonical community name and a vanity name. If you look at the url for the community, what does it say?
That name can’t be changed while the “interesting global news” vanity name can.
It literally isn’t. Douche bag
It’s hard not to sit in a blue state and just be apathetic to the shit in the south. They continually make their own living conditions worse and worse and I just don’t care anymore. Slide further into poverty, ruin your educational systems, willfully worsen the health of your population. Eventually blue states will stop sending you money and what are you going to do? You’ll have no people, no knowledge and no way out.
I feel bad for those without the privilege to escape but am seriously out of fucks to give about them repeatedly self harming
Yeah, it’s probably one of the best out there. I don’t love that with their newest pump it’s 100% phone controlled (literally no screen on the device) but there is no way in fuck I am ever trying a Medtronic pump again. Had one for a day because my insurance wouldn’t cover a new tandem pump. It was such a piece of shit
Yeah there is a reason recumbent bikes have giant flags on the back. No one can see you that low. Especially with the newest giant monstrosities on the road
What a world where two city’s are suing each other over a trademark.
I’d rather be a pedestrian on the same road as the Mercedes than be a pedestrian within a mile of the Tesla
In what world is a tow truck going to tow a car for parking on the side walk? They’re gonna tell you to call the cops or parking enforcement and the cops don’t even show up for gun shots