I just use the web version... Outlook kept killing my battery.
Thanks for the tip.
I just use the web version... Outlook kept killing my battery.
Thanks for the tip.
Correct. Having configured one, this is laughable.
Makes sense. There will definitely be an adversarial situation going forward.
Thanks. I thought they looked pretty.
Same prompt dalle-3:
Our only hope is to be nice to the AI so that when it's running the show, it's nice to us....
I've played it and still don't understand the popularity. It's neat that you can do just about anything to just about anyone... You can kill major plot characters if you want, steal shit and get sent to jail... I dunno.
I just hope that next time I try to load a game, it doesn't hang the game. I'd like to continue playing it.
I definitely didn't get my money's worth!
I love the idea so I had to try it...
All those TV shows that taught us how to spot which twin was the evil one by asking about life history were just training us to beat AI
It's a known issue with multiplayer on the PS5. I haven't looked into it in a couple of weeks because I've had other things I had to deal with and have kept me from gaming but I plan to look into it again soon.
It could definitely still be a me issue. It could be some sort of weird corruption with the save gamer something like that. I'm really not looking forward to trashing the entire safe game and starting the game over though.
Just wanted to see what the default terrifying axolotl would look like