[-] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago

Naked mole rats are considered an example of a truly "eusocial" mammal analogue to ants. More evidence for the idea that social behavior/societal grouping, once established in a species, characterizes it more potently than just about anything else in its genetic history. Chimps might be our closest genetic relatives, but the way we live and think is probably much more similar to these guys.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Unto Others has a great section about this. In a bunch of studied tribes who live generally pre-industrial lifestyles, the anthropologists were interested in how they "organize" big projects like building a house, and when they watched them, wondered what made them so willing to just do it.

Long story short, they saw how the kids watched them and subsequently "played" at doing things like building houses, carrying things together, etc. They essentially concluded that the "work" they did was understood more like play--that without any coercion to labor beyond meeting their needs, they were surprisingly eager to do that boring stuff because they made it into the day's activity rather than grinding "work."

TL;DR unalienated labor schniff and so on

[-] [email protected] 23 points 2 months ago

Nobody goes nutting any more huh

[-] [email protected] 19 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Aussie magpies are ridiculously smart, love them as an example of convergent evolution since they are not corvids but rather songbirds that have evolved to be more crow-like to fill a similar niche to corvids

[-] [email protected] 15 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

That question below is honestly a good way to demonstrate how bad people can be at understanding what would be called materialism without it being explained to them first

Easy to assume the shape of that flower is due to decisions made by the plant itself instead of the more accurate way of understanding its shape being the result of external conditions and pressures acting upon the plant and its flower growth over a long time

I met a snake again (hexbear.net)
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I love garter snakes so much, this one was curious and friendly and slid right across my leg after telescoping a bit for me to take a photo.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 9 months ago

Thanks, I'm already thinking of ways I am off the mark though, like how things like race science and eugenics have been the "academic" position in the past.

I think properly working the academic consensus into your mind involves also understanding that it's the product of people. It's not that different from having some trust in institutions outside of academia too. There were people in the sciences fighting bitterly against those trends, and in the long run their position became standard.

[-] [email protected] 59 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Anti-intellectualism comes alongside alienation from others. It has to. Being an intellectual is essentially saying "I trust the findings of academics and will adopt their consensus." Nobody can learn about the whole span of the world, it's too much information. But when you are convinced that collaboration is weakness and compromise is failure, you have to keep the world in your head, and the only way to do that is to maintain a really simplified internal diorama from which your "truth" is derived.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 10 months ago

Okay people of this thread you gotta just accept the fact that activism is always gonna be at the end. Like I don't intend for this to insult anyone's intelligence, I promise, but you gotta understand that it's matter of love. Spend enough time in a headspace in which funky lizards and ugly insects and smelly lil rats are your companions both physically and mentally and these things matter to you in ways that approach your love for people, it's just the truth of it. I'm surprised Attenborough docs aren't all activism and calls to action at this point, it's so frightening and overwhelming that I myself have drifted away from field research because in my cowardice I just couldn't bear to get more attached.

But yeah sadly he's too old (British) to be able to summon anything like a cohesive call to action, which sucks ass

[-] [email protected] 42 points 10 months ago

How about we do two things

Like how about we work less and we immediately and totally nationalize energy and agriculture haha just a thought haha (fireflies are going extinct haha)

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So there's this documentary I saw many years ago called Onibus 147. Long story short, it's about a kid in Rio who held some people in a bus hostage. I think it was an incredible experience to watch it but it has been like a decade since I did. Still, for some reason it has never left my mind. I can't say it traumatized me or anything, but I was a different person after watching it. I'm not sure if I would have the political opinions I have today without watching this documentary.

Look, I just want to talk about this movie. If you are reading this thread and you've seen it jump in here and say something because it makes me really sad to think that the name Sandro Nascimento will someday be completely forgotten. Being exposed to the story of Nascimento and the way it ended was probably the first time I remember truly feeling anger at the good ol boys in blue, the first time I was able to truly conceive of what poverty means, the first sight I caught of the grinding, meat-splattered gears underneath the floorboards.

Maybe it's not even an amazing movie, maybe I shouldn't rewatch it and open that old wound, but right now it doesn't really matter because I can't find the god damn thing anywhere. If you know where it's uploaded or where it can be found let me know.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Context is that I am a 30 year old living in a rural area in the south, so my peers are mostly the offspring of HVAC-business-owning yeoman reactionaries or the mentally traumatized wastrels of declining capitalism. It's not a good environment tbh.

I have some irl friends, who are generally cool (by cool I mean a bunch of them are gay and/or trans people who are smart and funny) but they are also 30s range so most of them are just trying to white-knuckle their way through it right now. I feel for them, I do my best to always help and be available for them when they need someone to drive away the encroaching existential misery, but I'm a manchild pursuing the arts to secure a wealthy patron so my life is just so different from theirs and everyone is aware of it. I've fallen into a sort of "therapist" role among my friends, and it gets really exhausting even though I'd never hold it against them.

In the last few months I've noticed that I've been craving some more casual, friendly online interaction. I tried to thrust myself into some online communities on places like discord, and it worked a little, but it was pretty clear most of these places were full of people a decade younger than myself. Am I just gonna have to face the fact that I'm just an atomized mote of consciousness forever and just stop looking for new tribes to join entirely?

EDIT: Also, almost a different question entirely, but why does it seem like there are SO MANY gay Nazis on discord? Because I have a lot of experience being cool around LGBTQ, I have been invited into a few "secret clubs" and holy shit like 1 out of 3 times it's full of extremely gay Nazis practicing their mental gymnastics with each other

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