Additionally this might be important for shutting down blacks pressure on the a2 square. Black has a threat of b4, cxb4, Nxb4: whites knight on c3 is the only thing stopping Qa2 for now. If black can sacrifice for it or deflect it then there is a threat on a2. It wouldn't be checkmate as the king can escape though.
All i can see is Nxe6, fxe6, Qxe6#, King moves, Qxc6 and the queen doesn't look like its able to be trapped. This wins a pawn. That's all i see, but if this is a puzzle I would think there must be something better .
Can web elements be sandboxed in any meaningful way?
Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse ! Je vais regarder. Bonne journée.
Haha i would be in the same position
You are right, and I have tried, however it is painful needing to translate while on a phone when there are so many different words i don't understand in a short sentence. Not to mention the slang and internet culture associated with posting online on memes and stuff.
Do you ever see tactical opportunities in a typical semi Slav game? From the white side it seems to remain positional the entire time in my experience. I guess that's subject to change upon hanging pieces or blunders.
I will add i love the opportunity to transpose into the caro kann after 1. d4 c6 for white since i feel more prepared for it.
Thanks for your reply. It is difficult to account for move order and transpositions but i feel like i see the slav response about 50% of the time. Until i study it more, im often opting to exchange the central pawns and then just develop my pieces as white. Unlike in other pawn exchange openings like the French exchange or Caro kann exchange, i feel like for whatever reason it doesnt dry out too badly. If i stopped playing the Nimzo Indian i feel like i would opt for the slav but only after closing the pawn structure after getting my bishop out. Because i don't play this as black, I'm not sure if I'd try to hang onto that bishop once its out and prone to attack or try to keep it in the game, i don't think its worth the time trying to make space for it to retreat. Meanwhile when i used to play QGD it felt too cramped and i never felt like i had the tempi to devote to trying to fianchetto the light square bishop.
Magnus is great, Naroditsky is my favorite though!
Ah yeah the rook move refutes this