[-] [email protected] 33 points 5 days ago

This is what happens when your entire customer base is the “early adapters” and you stop offering technical breakthroughs.

They were never going to be able to compete with the established automakers when they caught up. Instead of leveraging their brand, infrastructure, and technology to make an Everyman’s EV, serving a customer base that’s being ignored, they wasted all of their resources on the CEOs vanity project. Tesla is entering the death spiral.

[-] [email protected] 87 points 2 months ago

Almost $80,000 per daily user?

[-] [email protected] 110 points 2 months ago

The first step in “no longer relevant celebrity comes out as conservative to cling to the fringes of stardom.”

[-] [email protected] 97 points 5 months ago

They are moving away from “Both Sides” and starting “Biden supports genocide.” It’s just a new way for below average people to think they’re smarter than everyone else.

[-] [email protected] 108 points 5 months ago

If you figure each engineer costs apple $250,000 a year, that’s the equivalent of 250 engineers. Could you imagine what apple could accomplish with 5 extra engineering departments? In what world is this one guy worth that much?

[-] [email protected] 85 points 6 months ago

We are in post-competition capitalism. Even if the alternative isn’t owned by the same parent company, they will do the same bullshit.

[-] [email protected] 100 points 6 months ago

The thing that kills me about this sort of thing is the complete lack of accountability. Working class people at assembly plants, dealers, suppliers will all feel the sting from the drop in sales. There’s some dipshit MBA at GM who made and pushed this decision. Any rational person could see that GM is not is a position to push their own infotainment system. Car play and android auto are beloved. Not having one or both is a deal breaker for new car purchasers. We will never know who this person is. Making such an outrageously bad business decision should result thing this person being blackballed from any kind of business role. But that will never happen.

[-] [email protected] 73 points 7 months ago

Every dealership in my area has their markup at least the amount of the tax credit. More than a few have exactly the tax credit. Tax credits are supposed to help steer the market, they’re not a handout to pointless middleman.

[-] [email protected] 114 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

That Supreme Court decision will be the embarrassment of our generation. Even though the constitution says nothing about a conviction, they’ll say that without a conviction he won’t reach the threshold of “insurrection.” Or maybe they’ll conveniently redefine the word insurrection. Or maybe they’ll say he didn’t technically “engage.” The possibilities are endless if you decide the verdict first and work your way back creating a legal justification.

[-] [email protected] 81 points 8 months ago

I challenge anyone who says sugar isn’t addictive to go a week without. No sugar. No sugar substitutes like fructose. I’ve done it. It is awful.

I’ve also done hard drugs. Quitting those are awful too.

The difference is that I haven’t done drugs in decades but I still have a pack of Oreos on my counter.

[-] [email protected] 95 points 9 months ago

She isn’t hated by the far left any more than any other neo-lib.

She’s hated because she needed to retire decades ago. Senate Judiciary confirmations have completely stalled because she hasn’t been healthy enough to attend hearings. Trump stacked federal judgeships with unqualified partisan hacks and democrats have been unable to respond. The senate needs her vote to maintain their majority, and her health issues effectively loses the democrats majority. She is clearly senile and confused at all of her recent public appearances.

[-] [email protected] 78 points 11 months ago

The Venn diagram of people who would migrate forums over ideological reasons and people who like Linux is a circle.

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