car apparemment ils ont les moyens de se payer des campagnes d’affichages.
Comme la tradition le veut... :')
car apparemment ils ont les moyens de se payer des campagnes d’affichages.
Comme la tradition le veut... :')
J'ai entendu/lu plusieurs personnes qui disaient être plutôt pro-environnement, mais que celle-ci allait trop loin et était contre-productive.
It's obviously not impossible, but you'll find people calling every single private messaging platform honeypots. I don't recall seeing any convincing proof for Tuta, personally.
In Pathfinder 2e, you'll more likely get a chance of martials getting more crits than anticipated than wild spellcasters moves haha.
It can be done... but only by making the monster unfightable. Not "too strong", literally invincible. To some, that's horror enough haha.
That said, horror games are indeed the perfect setting to try out other systems, there are some out there like Mothership where the rules hold on one page.
It's the largest reason why I haven't purchased it yet. I'm very disappointed they decided to do this.
Je crois que ton commentaire résume parfaitement...
Autant cela m'aurait étonné si on détonnait de la vague européenne actuelle... autant je suis d'accord avec toi.
Are you using an app? Desktop doesn't have this.
Thank you for linking this.
Tbh this is more than mildly infuriating...
Jewish people on Sabbat vibes.
Kawaii Konsi??