Leave and go where ?
The PS5 has a CPU equivalent of a Ryzen 2600. You didn't have to spend 500 bucks on a CPU to outperform it.
The 3600x was released a year before the PS5, and was $200 on launch. You either got screwed over or don't know what your talking about?
GPU wise it's different, but there were compounding factors that inflated the prices. If you got a GPU from before the pandemic, chances are $800 would get you top of the line, which probably outperform the PS5 even to this day.
Now does a PS5 cost less ? Sure, they sell them at a loss and make money on games and online ~~scam~~ subscription services.
Edit: my bad the PS5 has a 3700x, so the 3600x comparison is still valid. Can't check the release price of the 3700vs3600 but it's not 2x higher anyway.
Define standard English?
Both the USA and UK don't agree on what it is.
It's not the exact same scenario, but it's close.
In French it's a similar list of animals, but it's sitting on your lap, so "you" pick up the phone and call your friend the spider to come eat the fly.
Thanks, maybe from this I can find the french version
What is this from ? I remember a recording for kids when I was baby with a story like this, but it was in french.
I've tried to find it again but to no avail
So kids: 25% ok Non kifs: 75% 🤔
I'm noticing a trend on the internet lately of not proof reading your comments and having missing words all over. I feel like I'm having a stroke multiple times a day with these. It's not hard to re-read your comment and make sure it's not missing words...
Your stats show it's not just kids...
Unless you consider anyone under 50 to be kids.
My assembly code only goes brt :(
I agree that's not a full view of America, but for the general population that only hears about the USA through conventional media, I'd say that's what most people will see and remember.
And of course this is only my perspective from my country and my neighbors may very well have a different outlook.
I don't really know any real alternative if you value privacy and the openness of the web?
There are 3 companies making (as in putting the real work into it) browsers, Apple Google and Mozilla. Apple is only serving its own interests, and Google has clearly indicated where they want the web to go (more ads, less blockers, more tracking).