[-] [email protected] 145 points 1 month ago

This is the sort of smartass thing I would try right before getting bludgeoned to death.

[-] [email protected] 173 points 1 month ago

It's an important lesson for this generation of graduates: robots aren't ready to take your jobs....but we're pushing it through anyway.

[-] [email protected] 156 points 2 months ago

I think it was just a contrivance to both make a sport for the books while also allowing the Main Character to automatically be the most important person all the time (like basically everything else in the books).

[-] [email protected] 201 points 3 months ago

If I wasn't an atheist I would fully believe he is the actual anti-christ.

[-] [email protected] 163 points 3 months ago

I don't like the Reddit ownership which is exactly why I switched to here....but this article is a month old, they priced their IPO at $34 and it's currently selling at $55

Obviously this doesn't mean it can't change in the future, but it very much has not tanked.

[-] [email protected] 173 points 3 months ago

A million dollars from OnlyFans and now she gets an employment law claim against the new employer.

This may truly be the only way to get ahead as a teacher in the US...

[-] [email protected] 147 points 4 months ago

Then she should run as a third party candidate when she loses the primary.

[-] [email protected] 144 points 6 months ago

A clown car is famously a very tiny car with more clowns in it than you would expect to be able to fit.

[-] [email protected] 192 points 6 months ago

Sanders notably attributed the war in Gaza to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and “the right-wing Netanyahu government” — not to Israel in general.

This extremely obvious distinction seems to get completely lost in every discussion on the topic. I like Israel and they have the right to exist. I don't like far right conservative governments run by corrupt war criminals (but enough about Bush...).

[-] [email protected] 197 points 7 months ago

Frog: "Hey, did any of you guys notice the water get a couple degrees hotter?"

Other Frogs: Already boiled alive

[-] [email protected] 144 points 7 months ago

You also informed the leadership team that allowing the company to be destroyed "would be consistent with the mission."

You are God damned right that shutting everything down is one of the roles of a non-profit Board focused on AI safety.

[-] [email protected] 157 points 11 months ago

It hasn’t helped Walk’s popularity that he’s seen as transgressive in other ways – he’s an atheist in a deeply religious area and he despises Donald Trump, who won West Virginia by a thumping margin in the 2020 election, to the extent he turned up to a rally of the former president with a “Fuck Trump” sign, prompting a volley of threats.

I like this guy.

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