[-] [email protected] 24 points 3 weeks ago

Oh great! So someone couldn't pull themselves up by their bootstraps and now they want a hand-out. I bet this "toddler" doesn't even pay taxes.


[-] [email protected] 31 points 3 weeks ago

This question reminds me of when that school in NY got in trouble for serving "stereotype food" for black history month.


I have the same confusion as you do, OP. It appears to be a liked dish by all accounts across many races, upbringings, or religions. Unless you have dietary restrictions like Vegan or something.

I'm assuming this is one of the things that racists ruined. Like yeah people like fried chicken, but racist made it a "bad thing." It's kind of like now, you got to look out for the number 88, vikings, the okay sign, the gadsden flag, or punisher flag. It's not that mentioning fried chicken is necessary bad, but people are on edge because Nazi's are back. 1 of the dog whistles might be a coincidence, but you start collecting them and I start side eyeing my co-workers more.

Those damn dog whistles need to end, so we can all enjoy fried chicken and watermelon on Juneteenth.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 1 month ago

I saw a Frederick Douglass bumper sticker today that said something like "It's easier to raise strong children than it is to fix a broken man."

I don't know what I'm adding, but if more dads were like this post we would be better. I think a lot of us (men) don't know how to be fathers cuz our fathers sucked.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 2 months ago

Damn you Mackelmore!

[-] [email protected] 29 points 3 months ago

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good?

[-] [email protected] 26 points 5 months ago

That people with mental health issues hear different types of voices depending on the country. If someone with schizophrenia from the US hears voices, it is more aggressive or negative while someone from Africa or India might hear a more playful voice. I think that says a lot about the different cultures and upbringing.


[-] [email protected] 24 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Bro, I'll tell you the same thing I was told as a young guy in my career. I'm in my 40's now and this was about 20 years ago. An older guy about to retire said something like 'ya know, everyone always says that the younger generation is lazy, or dumb, but from what I noticed you guys are doing it smarter and you'll be better than us.' I kinda thought that, but it was nice to hear.

Now I'll say about 10 years ago, I was recruiting in high school and those kids were leaps and bounds ahead of where my generation was. It was crazy how much they could socialize across cliques and it not matter. Now that I am in my 40's I have some family members in high school, and I just see them being better. I don't know how this will translate into the work force or a fight for a labor reform, but I think we need to be more open to their ideas than our elder generations were to us.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 9 months ago

Can't wait for all those ice caps to go away and stop reflecting all the heat that they do reflect being white. It'll just add to it.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 10 months ago

Death to Smoochy is criminally underrated. Robin Williams and Ed Norton are so good in it.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 10 months ago

When you have a contract with the federal government it comes with stipulations. Don't "private citizen" this. It's not a mom and pop store.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 1 year ago

By conclusion, you mean the more likely scenario. I feel any guy that would call her out would be doing it knowing full well how guys act sometimes....most of the time if we are in groups.

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