[-] Noel_Skum 18 points 1 month ago

Yeah, that’s true, but in the UK XL Bullies specifically have been doing all the maulings recently that have generated serious press coverage; also they themselves have just been added as the sixth (?) banned canine breed in the UK.

[-] Noel_Skum 23 points 2 months ago

The African-American guy who won’t shut up and also killed Twitter.

[-] Noel_Skum 18 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

“I do.” to the vicar…

Edit: this is a joke. I’m not some kind of disrespectful philanderer irl.

[-] Noel_Skum 17 points 4 months ago

Deserts exist in all 7/6/5 (delete as educationally applicable) continents on this planet so it’s not the best choice of wording regardless of what they’re trying to say. I’m not debating, I’m just stating.

[-] Noel_Skum 20 points 4 months ago

I discovered that a small strip of dead land at the side of my friends’ brand new house was available to buy for loose change from the original land owner (a once giant estate that had been broken up into parcels at auction) Fast forward three years or so later and the developer started stage two of the house building, another 850 houses. Guess whose tiny parcel of land was needed for utilities and access due to the terrain? We basically picked a number out of the air and the next day the cheque / check arrived. Paid off the mortgage, sold the house and paid about 90% the price of their dream home straight away and had a bit left over too. Can’t help but think that somebody somewhere lost their job/contract over that.

[-] Noel_Skum 18 points 4 months ago

As I understand it international law bans making a person stateless. Bangladeshi law says that any person born of Bangladeshi parents is automatically viewed as Bangladeshi / dual nationality until their twenty first birthday. Any time prior to that age you can apply for full or dual nationality but if you do not your Bangladeshi citizenship rights will lapse at 21. The UK’s legal argument is that as she was below this age when her UK citizenship was stripped she was not made stateless… they don’t care if Bangladesh takes her or not. They just had to prove that by revoking her UK citizenship the UK didn’t break international law.

[-] Noel_Skum 28 points 4 months ago

Alabama? More like Talibana, a’ight? Being ruled by religious extremists - in the 21st (ce) century - blows my mind. Are people still that backwards? Apparently, yes. Nothing wrong with a bit of private faith in the sky man if it helps you in life… but to be a fundamentalist is unforgivable.

[-] Noel_Skum 28 points 4 months ago

Yes. That’s exactly what’s happening here. Big shout out to drugs for winning the war…

[-] Noel_Skum 19 points 5 months ago

If it was a written prior to the products release by someone who had never used it, then yes. Yes, it probably does.

[-] Noel_Skum 20 points 6 months ago

Even if killing cats for any reason, either deliberately or accidentally, is legal in the UK there are still two potential problems with starting the train: Terrible PR when the story gets out and opening your company up to potential civil litigation from the cat’s human as well as anyone else traumatised actually witnessing or contractually obliged to participate in (e.g. Driver) said death of cat. In summary, your brand takes a hit and you may lose money. As an added bonus a late train is less newsworthy in the UK than a funny cat so by delaying the train you might even generate good PR at no cost.

[-] Noel_Skum 21 points 6 months ago

No. No it isn’t. Is called social interaction. I’m sorry you feel the way you do.

[-] Noel_Skum 23 points 9 months ago

Good luck debating this topic. Even on a sight such as this it is way too divisive a question. You don’t have to support either side - it’s not a sports contest. There is too much history and backstory to make a snap decision. It’s just more death and misery for innocent folk on both sides whilst the fanatics (Hardliners, extremists etc.) on both sides try to wipe each other out.

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