[-] Noel_Skum 5 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Yeah, US & UK hip-hop and grime “promotes” cognac quite heavily. There’s even the classic Busta Rhymes joint “Pass the Courvoisier”.

[-] Noel_Skum 2 points 14 hours ago

I was thinking of some (gentle) lazy flaming or trolling but your mention of instigating international conflict has inspired me to better myself and aim higher in life. Thank you.

[-] Noel_Skum 8 points 14 hours ago

Damn. I’d forgotten “straight” or “bent” were once the only options (looking at you, 1980’s) . Language moves quickly to adapt.

[-] Noel_Skum 4 points 14 hours ago

I’d like to apologise now for when, in the future, I place a “parody” sticker on a genuine social media post. I know, there’s something wrong with me… but I thought I’d give you a heads-up about it as you seem pretty reasonable.

[-] Noel_Skum 3 points 1 day ago

I’m not sure exactly what the “top level comment rule” is and saw nothing in the side bar that mentioned it. I just wandered in here from my instance… and have now wandered back out of here. Enjoy your day.

[-] Noel_Skum 6 points 1 day ago

The problem is that the lab-meat probably wouldn’t taste the same as the human-meat. I’m reasonably confident that the (minimum) 18 years of living the OF person would have to do impacts and changes the quality and taste of flesh.

It’s possible that the lab-meat would taste like the OF person did when they were a baby… but that opens a whole new door of moral and ethical and legal issues.

[-] Noel_Skum 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

If you delete the words “maybe” and “slightly” from your first sentence I will agree 100% with you. It is atrocious behaviour.

We both have different views about how instances should behave - and both have our reasons for why we think what we do. That’s cool.

My mention of “safe space” was in the context of a person who NEVER EVER (sorry for shouting) leaves said space; not in the context of said place being used as a refuge to relax, recharge, recalibrate, revitalise, be your(real)self etc.

P.S. If you steal/stole my user name how do we know that this isn’t you replying to you?

[-] Noel_Skum 5 points 1 day ago

From my own point of view (which nobody else on this planet has to share) I like how these mods seem to roll… I’m very happy to encounter liars, flamers, trolls, the misinformed, provocateurs, satirists, deluded individuals, disingenuous actors, bots, cat fishes, psychopaths etc etc online because it keeps me sharp - I’d hate to have a drip fed supply of agreeable posts and interactions that never challenged nor jarred me.

On an instance with “world” in the title I’d be very disappointed if everybody was of similar views and opinions. Remember, we’re all strangers with our own motivations, world view, limits and red lines. These can be vastly different… but if we retreat to a safe space, echo chamber, whatever, we will never see how others see the world. We will never interact outside of our tiny social (media) circle. Imagine having exactly the same world view at 50 as you did at 15. Might as well join a religion/cult.

[-] Noel_Skum 2 points 1 day ago

Your final sentence is painfully true.

[-] Noel_Skum 4 points 2 days ago

If you are anyone else is interested the following video is a good 40 second introduction to how a crowd can behave. It was filmed on a potato and shows zero gore. Suitable for work. Hopefully the “piped bot” will show up below too: Oasis Manchester Crowd Surge

[-] Noel_Skum 7 points 2 days ago

Sorry. Let me get this right. You had an exchange with a stranger on the internet that didn’t agree with you? They said some crazy stuff so you thought: fuck it. You didn’t argue and start throwing insults. You didn’t take offence from what a rando was saying. You just kinda ignored it and got on with your life? Wtf is wrong with you, my friend? I hope you’re happy in your adult, stress-free, mature life choices.

[-] Noel_Skum 5 points 2 days ago

I used to work crowd control. For us a stampede is when people are moving forward and those that fall down are trampled over and can’t get back-up. A crowd crush is when the density of people is so tight that you either suffocate or get crushed. Both are incredibly grim spectacles.

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