It's really good but like 30% too long for my taste. I had to push myself forward to complete it.
- Played daily dose of Helldivers 2 and some EDF6.
- Finally completed Talos Principle 2.
- Gave Suicide Squad a try.
- Returned a bit to Trine 5 here and there
Sweet liberty, this new level 10 difficulty sounds like an amazing clusterfuck festival.
Code::Blocks is still chugging along, albeit at a glacial pace.
The rise of Docker has made containers very popular in the last 10 years or so. Nowadays you can run a single WSL2 VM on Windows with a Linux distro, and run any number of containers inside it. Vagrant is useful if you need full-fledged VMs for your environments.
I do. I used to juggle between Code::Blocks, PyDev, NetBeans and others, depending on projects. I find VS Code kind of fulfills the promise of Eclipse of being an all-purpose IDE, without the bloat Eclipse became synonymous with. It really clicked for me when I started using devcontainers. I am now a big fan of the whole development containers concept and use it in VS Code daily...
It is quite delightful, which is a nice change of pace from Limbo and the others. I played it last year with game pass and really enjoyed my short time with it.
Mes 2 centimes: ça part d'une bonne intention. J'irai même jusqu'à dire que ça serait une bonne idée si ça avait la moindre chance d'être adopté.
L'explication de Mozilla: L'idée est de proposer une alternative aux trackers lourds et invasifs auxquels recourent les publicitaires, dans l'espoir que les publicitaires cessent d'utiliser ces trackers.
A mon avis c'est un coup d'épée dans l'eau car Firefox n'a depuis longtemps plus la quantité suffisante d'utilisateurs pour influencer les tendances de développement du web. C'est aussi un espoir naïf car les publicitaires se repaissent de données personnelles pour alimenter leur profils, et n'ont aucune raison d'abandonner leur systèmes déjà en place, juste parce qu'une alternative devient possible.
Rendre cette option activée par défaut est maladroit, puisqu'elle provoque des réactions négatives de la part des utilisateurs de Firefox. Personnellement je me suis empressé d'aller décocher l'option. Toutefois j'apprécie que quelqu'un cherche des solutions pour assainir les relations entre les publicitaires, qui financent directement ou indirectement une bonne partie du contenu hébergé sur le web, et les utilisateurs.
It feels balanced between the commando and the EATs. Not having to run back and pick the remaining ordnance is nice, plus there is a small amount of "heat seeking". The lesser damage and increased cooldown offset these advantages.
The commando really shines with the bots to blow up buildings though.
Because Google is eating the monumental costs of hosting and delivering video content. The cost of maintaining client apps is negligible in comparison. YouTube is not going anywhere unless Google deems it so, or enshittifies it enough to drive users away.
Yes that has also been my experience. It's generally 2 hits from the front or sides. One can also finish the job when rocket pods did not one-shot it.
I'm using it a lot lately and it pairs beautifully with an auto cannon or two on bot planets. It's really strong against cannon turrets and gunships (and fabricator buildings when needed), and handy with tanks. Auto cannon is still king against medium units and hulks IMO.
I did multiple playthroughs, over ~150h. I do not expect to return to it, now that EDF6 is out. It reaaaaaally resembles EDF5. From what I have seen thus far, it could be called an "expandalone". There is much more difference between EDF4.1 and EDF5 than EDF5 and EDF6