
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 21 hours ago

You need an air fryer. The fries will be back to crispy.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 21 hours ago

I wake up and before I get out of bed, I put on some TENS pads and shock my back for some minutes before I do a set of stretches. I'm 42 and I have an active job lifting stuff, if I don't stretch every morning I'm going to have a very bad rest of the week.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

To anyone not aware of sleep apnea it wouldn't seem like there was anything wrong with my sleep. I don't snore, I just don't breathe continuously when unconscious.

It took about 2 years to fully recover mentally from decades of this shitty sleep. I only found out from visiting my parents and my mom saw me not breathing while I was asleep on the couch. I've also had 6 sleep studies in 11 years to try and figure out why it is happening but it is idiopathic.

I can't remember what people on Reddit with UARS found to be the best treatment but the biggest step always seemed to be getting a doctor to diagnose it properly instead of just signing it off at regular sleep apnea. I hope you find a treatment that helps. The brain can bounce back, so don't give up hope that you can get your mind back.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

If a bat ever is in a room with you, get a rabies vaccine ASAP. Even if you think it wasn't even close to you. Rabies has no cure and the vaccine only works within a certain time frame.

If you start showing symptoms like fear of water it is already too late, only one teenage girl was ever cured of it and extraordinary measures were taken like an induced coma and massive antivirals, she still didn't fully recover.

I know this stuff because I got to work with bats once but didn't come close to touching them, just the bags they were in. My partner is fully vaccinated and has prophylactic shots every year or two because she actually gets bitten by them often (apparently the rabies infected ones are a lot more bitey than uninfected ones).

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

They want to start a war on all fronts so USA will be forced to join and make another forever war just so Benny Net can stay out of jail.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

I don't have fear of my dreams, they are just incredibly disjointed and sometimes jarring if I do remember them. It isn't stemming from abuse or psychological damage that I could go to therapy for, it is likely just because my brain doesn't properly function during sleep.

Signals that should tell me to breathe don't send so I get deprived of oxygen until other signals finally kick in and start my breathing again for a few seconds before the whole thing starts again, for every minute I'm asleep without a CPAP machine I am not breathing for 20 seconds or more.

Lots of adrenaline shocks through the night as my heart gets stressed and I'm sure the mix of stress hormones and neurochemicals mess with how my brain processes dreams. It is akin to the feeling people have described of a bad drug trip.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Balanced on what though?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

My brain literally doesn't function properly when I sleep, it doesn't send signals for my lungs to exhale so it probably is doing other things wrong as well.

Once I started on CPAP there was a huge drop in adrenaline shocks to my heart while I slept.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Someone please buy his mailing list for cheap and start sending fake messages at his entire audience by pretending to be him but drop real verified news into their feeds so they start learning the truth.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 week ago (10 children)

Or don't, maybe we are supposed to forget them. For instance I do not want to remember my dreams as I have barely ever had a pleasant one. I'd rather wake up in blissful ignorance of whatever shit my broken brain threw together while it tries to suffocate me.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 week ago

He must make his viewers consume, he is vicarious energy vampire.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I say that knowing that if it gets really bad I know how to take care of him painlessly but without euthanyl so I can bury him where he deserves to be decompose back into the universe.

So far he is 13.5 years old, blind in one eye, has had 2 tumour removed, a current tumour pressing on his brain, is on 3 different meds (4 if you include occasional CBD) he still runs and chases for kibbles and loves his humans so he's probably not ready to go yet. Maybe 6 months from now will be different but that is a 6 months from now problem.


A few years back my sister passed away, I'm now the only child my parents have left. They live a few hours away and have for as long as I have been with my partner (7 years).

My parents are planning on moving to the place we now live to be closer to me. This has my partner worried that they will be over often or I will be over at their house more often. Her parents are very far away so can only visit once a year.

My parents are not the kind of people to show up uninvited to anyone's house. They likely will come over once a month for dinner and I will probably go over by myself once a week.

We are both pretty private people so not having anyone over is just how we are and this potential change of more visits has her concerned that our privacy will be gone.

I am also fine with them not coming over often, I like it being just me and her but I do want my parents close when they have medical emergencies.

How do I approach this as currently she is a bit annoyed but taking a more "see how this pans out" attitude?

I don't exactly want to jump the gun and talk to my parents ahead of time to make sure they don't come over often because I don't think they will and it might sour their relationship to her if they think she doesn't want them over ever, even if I also don't want them over often.


I tried but there was no fourth world that was a connection to the fight for Super Earth.

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