We just need a general rule: no company may offer more in compensation to any person than one hundred times the value the company paid in compensation to its lowest paid worker.
Add in words and details to make sure there aren't any loopholes, of course, and the problem will be largely solved across the board.
I might have been on epic's side if they had delivered a storefront/launcher at least as good as Steam, then found they still weren't able to compete and only then decided to try the exclusivity crap.
They did not. They have a launcher/store that is far worse than Steam or even GOG (which is an accomplishment; GOG's isn't all that good and yet they manage to be worse by a large margin), and they didn't even attempt to provide a better product/service. Instead they just started throwing money in order to secure exclusivity.
It shows all they want is to muscle into the market, not provide anything better for people.