
joined 2 years ago
[–] Merwyn 2 points 1 year ago

You could add some piece of ham/lard in the puree soup, and eat with bread or "crouton"

[–] Merwyn 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm doing nearly the same exept without celery. I'll try to add it next time ! The 2 other changes that I'm doing are to replace the sugar with sliced apple for the sweetness (1/8 of apple per portion).

Also, adding blended cashew nuts (approx 30g per portion) improve a lot the texture and taste imho.

[–] Merwyn 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

As a self hosted I only know Kanboard but it only do kanban afaik.

Otherwise I'm using " todoist " (obvious name). It's a web app, with android app also. It provides several points of your list but not all:

  • Several board/lists (called "project").

  • Can share any of the projects with someone else.

  • Task + subtask with due date and priority (and even assign to someone).

  • Keep history

  • Add tags or comment to tasks and subtasks

  • Several options for notifications

  • Reminder/alaram, but only for paid version (never tried ...)

I don't think there are options for repeting tasks (maybe with the paid version). And no integration with home assistant provided.

[–] Merwyn 22 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

At least two very different for me:

Myst: I was very small when I played it so maybe I missed some slightly hidden warnings or foreshadowing. But basically during the whole game two brothers that are trapped in two magical books claims that the other brother is evil and trapper him in this books.

It looks like the only way to progress in the game is to trust one of them and go do the quests they are asking in order to free them.

I thought I was smart and did everytime both quests for each of them, my plan was to save before the final quest of one and check if is the "good" one, otherwise reload and finish the last quest of the other.

I finish one guy. cue evil laughter I finish trapped in the book and the evil brother laugh that he managed to lie to me for this whole time. Fine, let's reload 5 minutes ago and free the other one. another evil laughter basically same thing happen with the other ... wtf ? There is no good ending to this game ??

Turned out there was the dad of this two also trapped in another book that was hidden somewhere else, he was the real good guy and lead to the good ending.

So: don't trust anyone, always look for more options than the two obvious choices that are only an illusion of free will. Lesson learned at a young age.

Other one that is more coming from the community than the game itself: world of Warcraft (vanilla, when it get out), more specifically beating the end boss of the latest raid for the first time. Especially when you are the raid leader. It give such a satisfaction and sensation of fulfilment.

There are a lot of games that require a lot more personnal skill than WoW to beat a boss. But getting 40 people to be ready, prepared, have to good class and good equipment, and play together for hours in order to achieve this common goal is incredible.

[–] Merwyn 33 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I had a very different experience with mine. I bought a middle range one, not the cheap one, with very good reviews at the time. I absolutely cannot trust it. It's always getting stuck, getting lost and not able to go back to charging station, or say that it's "finished" and leav obvious spot of dusts.

My living room is indeed a bit cluttered as it's not that big, but there is still enough space for it to move....

[–] Merwyn 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I know, and I didn't pre order anything for a very long time (and don't plan to). But unfortunately as long as some players get attracted with this kind of shitty "exclusive" the whole community will have to suffer from the companies pushing this behavior.

[–] Merwyn 8 points 1 year ago (3 children)

But ... but... collector and exclusive content!

[–] Merwyn 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Tu m'a rendu curieux alors je me suis renseigné. J'ai trouvé la datasheet d'un electroaimant "standard" pour porte, avec une force de 500Kg et repondant aux normes récentes.

Ce modèle particulier est alimenté avec 250mA à 24V, soit 6W (pour un ordre de grandeur, c'est presque moitier moins qu'une box internet). Ce qui donne 0.144kWH par jours de consommé, soit environ 0.032 € par jours au prix actuel moyen.

[–] Merwyn 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

À part les bouchons personnalisé la seule autre solution pour toi c'est la chambre à part malheureusement... Mais personnellement je vous conseillerais plutôt d'en parler et d'essayer de consulter pour réduire voir supprimer son ronflement. Dans certains cas quelques changements de mode de vie peuvent faire des miracles, dans d'autre il faut un appareillage ou même parfois une opération.

Ca augmentera beaucoup votre qualité de vie en couple je pense.

[–] Merwyn 3 points 1 year ago

Sure ! And I discovered that only years later by reading a wiki page. But actually it make sense that it's also feasible this way.

[–] Merwyn 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Yes indeed, I know what you are talking about. But I would not really consider that the "normal" ending as described by OP. Even if the ending scene itself is exactly the same, it's a very different path and clearly a much harder one.

[–] Merwyn 8 points 1 year ago

It was some small QoL changes in the UI and menus, recommended by my friend who recommended me the game. I don't remember exactly the changes but there was nothing big added or changed in the gameplay

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