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[–] Meowoem 26 points 1 year ago (5 children)

And what would it be doing in there?

[–] Meowoem -1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

So it is just over extrapolated junk that doesn't add anything to anything, good to know.

[–] Meowoem 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I wonder if the same trend exists here in the UK or other countries with national health service.

I must say paying people to give blood seems like a horrible idea, it incentivizers people with reasons not to give blood such as illness or drug use to lie. Sadly testing and screening isn't very effective so it would likely cause problems.

[–] Meowoem 3 points 1 year ago

It's Richard Stallmans thing about software freedom, he always says free software is free as in freedom not just free as in beer (i.e. physically free, no cost to buy it)

We all like a beer that doesn't cost us anything but if we can't take that beer where we went, copy that beer, share it with our friends, modify it and profit from it then it's not really free.

[–] Meowoem 32 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Building up happens brick at a time, pulling down happens at freefall speeds

[–] Meowoem -5 points 1 year ago (7 children)

This is basic math, articles are written in one language but there are lots of languages they can be translated into so if a site written in English has a Spanish, french, and Portuguese version 75% of that counts as ai translated garbage - because apparently having stuff available to non English speakers is a bad thing now?

As for 'poorly' What's their mechanism for determinng it? How much is well translated or are they just assuming it's poor because it's possible it could be? Likewise what percentage is human translated and how do they determine that? Or is it another assumption to fit their narrative?

Clickbait doomer nonsence.

[–] Meowoem 2 points 1 year ago

Nothing to control the motor, nothing to control the heater, nothing to do timing or turn on and off water in and out?

Even a really shitty one has door lock sensor, temperature sensor, turbidity sensor..

Which means logic gates and transformers and things to shift voltages or control power flow.

That's before you even get into the logic of controlled programs or advanced features like weight based energy saving.

A micro controller connected to a few relays and sensors could replace all the complex stuff and it'd cost far less, plus it could tell you which sensor is out. Plus it allows you to do otherwise very complex things like reprogram the current job while it's running or to sync with other devices to limit max power load.

[–] Meowoem 1 points 1 year ago

The rest of the money goes into fighting for software freedom, developing infrastructure tools and other things they're very open about.

Personally I don't donate because I prefer to help small open source efforts where a little money makes a big difference, especially protects which I believe could help emerging open source communities grow or inspire more cc content. I'm glad Mozilla exist and that they get so much money from Google and donations

[–] Meowoem 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's not really true though, the electronics is pretty complex and requires significant work to use different components - I'm sitting next to a pile of dissembled washing machines so i could talk you through a few of the complexities involved in reworking those if you like

[–] Meowoem 5 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Yeah but washing machines either use a really simple micro controller or a whole load of really complex voltage based logic and control board electronics that even the guy who designed it couldn't fix without a lot of writing notes and doing maths.

There's more to go wrong on an old washing machine and each control board was unique to the machine so tracking down a replacement is hard - a nice simple raspberry pi Pico you can flash over WiFi would make it so easy to switch out one heater for another without too much thought about impedance or upgrade the turbidity sensor without desoldering resistors.

Plus it gives you infinite control over the program cycles allowing you to update up the best wash method for your detergent and lifestyle.

Of course you can only do that with an open source one. I think it's coming, year of the open source ~~desktop~~ kitchen work surface coming soon.

[–] Meowoem 2 points 1 year ago

Yeah pretty sure it's mostly racism that makes people assume all banana producing countries are run by rich white men, also the assumption that people in those countries don't want to engage in trade like everyone else does.

Reality is bananas are currently cheap because they grow well and transport easily, also because cargo is very cheap thanks to giant shipping containers. The same reason goods made in the rest of the world are available to people in banana farms - the fact no one has any reason to doubt you're from a banana producing country is testament to the benefit two way trade has made us all. Your phone is probably newer than mine, you can use it to look up all the same information and entertainment as me living in one of the most colonialist countries - things have changed so much for the better and pretending it hasn't is a major flaw in a lot of people's thinking at the moment.

And of course that doesn't change history but moving forward is far more important than whatever it is the people angry at bananas want us to worry about.

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