Absolutely no one is saying that about Kraven.
Try to more discerning with your manufactured outrage.
Absolutely no one is saying that about Kraven.
Try to more discerning with your manufactured outrage.
I'm pro-choice, but saying a fetus doesn't have human DNA is fucking retarded.
That's what happens when you're presented with a candidate who is "not as bad as the other side's pick."
Democrats keep fucking themselves.
West Virginia checking in
Maximum wage used to be a thing. It's how we got insurance tied to employment.
Oh god.
I was a junior in high school.
The Pope is infallible when making a definitive statement on morals or faith.
That's the doctrine.
At this point, we need someone to seize the reins long enough to save us. And then put them down.
Doesn't it boil down to like what you know is safe, what you are can be used?
Like they can't make you give passwords, but biometrics are vulnerable.
I'll begin while I lower the flag to half mast.