A few new bugs, one that yoinks you, and another that is basically has a sludge pump style shot that deals a lot of damage Might be me out of practice, but missions are generally harder
It's always a shame when a game releases in a bad state, but I always admire when a studio pulls the game out of the gutter and fulfils the launch expectations.
There was a hint towards a sequel to EW as a news ticker in one of the broadcasts in HFR IIRC.
Nothing yet, I've finished the roof of the main building and got some of the offices set up. Nothing postworthy yet
I've been using it to look at my fortresses, its a great tool!
I can't wait for the launch day bug compilations Either way, can't wait to pick up the game in two years at 30-40$ with all the dlc
Did I hear a rock and stone?
I thought CS2 was counter strike 2 and was very confused for 10 seconds
Hopefully the recent controversies don't hurt the game's launch too hard
Yes, i’m sure - Among other things, makes it so that poisoning a weapon doesnt have an awkward “are you sure” popup for every single time you want to poison
TrueHud or any other hud that allows you to see enemy stamina and magicka, making picking elements to starve enemies of their energy a viable strategy without changing a thing
Elden parry (+ stuff to make it work on the latest version) - Might not mesh too well with skyrim’s combat, but damn if it isn’t just fun to stagger enemies
I would be ok with it if I only needed to pick up the stuff and my character would eat it automatically, and not need to open up the menu every ten minutes
Same, though the base building is also one of the things that ties the procgen there together imo. Theres something just cool about being able to discover random player's bases organically by exploring, even if it is rare to actually find em in the quintillions of planets