[-] [email protected] 53 points 2 weeks ago

Why does this keep appearing? Cats most definitely do communicate by meowing too. I'd really love it if our village cats didn't chose the street out my widow a midnight as their debate grounds, shit's loud af and I always have to climb out the window to break up the fight.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 3 weeks ago

Romania, the country that's not even shengen yet (meaning you can't cross the border without being checked by customs, EXACTLY BECAUSE it's fucked)? Lol, you really showed Denmark xD

Also saying America is doing "better" at combating crime is only true if you want to compare yourself to war torn counties. The US has a comparable amount of people in prison to China. COMPARABLE to a country where you get arrested for looking the wrong way. Yes, China has more prisoners, but it also has 4 times the population! America is failing spectacularly at keeping its monopoly of violence as a state. When a civilian shooting happens in the rest of the 1st and 2nd world it's a tragedy that shakes the country, meanwhile in America half the population feels nothing, because it happens so often.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 3 weeks ago

My phone once died at work and I needed to write my gf. While I had my phone in the charger I thought I could just do it on my work PC (HA! What a funny joke). "Check your phone. Can't do that? Check your email." I try to log into my email. "Lol, check your phone."

[-] [email protected] 28 points 4 weeks ago

In Czech we call it "vrtulník" (propeller thing), which I find kinda hilarious now that I think about it.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 4 weeks ago

I have a similar story with my literature book from my high-school days. Twas gone, legit couldn't find it the entire year, and then in the morning of the very last day when we were supposed to return them, there it was, on the very top of my messy ass table. I'm guessing my mom probably randomly found it and put it there, but even then, that's some bloody impeccable timing.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I'm confused. Just tried the selection tool in GIMP and Krita on my PC and sketchbook on my tablet. Works the same way as far as I can tell. Just select, draw in there, copy/paste, ctrl-shift-a to unselect. Moving is more convenient in Krita and Sketchbook, true, but like that can't be it right? I'm at a loss.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 1 month ago

The amount of corporate speak makes me sick. Especially the mix of buzzwords being mixed with shit like "KERNEL PROCESS", shit's cursed.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That's one thing that always shocks me. You can have two people writing C++ and have them both not understand what the other is writing. C++ has soo many random and contradictory design patterns, that two people can literally use it as if it were 2 separate languages.

[-] [email protected] 49 points 1 month ago

Even a broken clock is correct once a day.

[-] [email protected] 42 points 1 month ago

Comment sections like this make me feel like I'm in a room full of crazy people, and or I eventually start to question my own sanity.

I mean sure, a spectrum is defined by at least 2 most extreme points (depending on the amount of dimensions). But like, what's stopping us form mapping two or more people to either extreme? Why can't 2 people be equally most gay or equally least gay?

[-] [email protected] 34 points 3 months ago

As someone who was completely ignorant to x and wayland until recently, my only experience is my distro having a wayland and x combobox during login, and random things not working when I switch it to wayland. The only reason I know this option even exists is because wayland was on by default and random stuff didn't work. I'll happily switch to the new better tech once it stops breaking stuff like KDE Connect and random games.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 3 months ago

In my experience they just stop talking to you, as if hoping you'll stop existing or something. I'm the one doing the "best wishes" shit, just to get some closure for my self.

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