Is that the consensus though? Recent EU elections have shown a small but steady rise in support for Euroscepticism
That's not true for every chronic condition though. Lifestyle and diet can only do so much when your body just isn't doing what it's supposed to.
I'm not trying to defend pharma companies, but it's the state of science today that some things can only be treated and handled with ongoing medication
If they're truly superfluous then they waste the time of both sides, but it's the prosecution who get to decide whether or not to include a charge. The prosecution might not be holding out real hope of a conviction on the highest charges, but by including them they could include additional witnesses and evidence that will be heard by a jury and change their perception even on the more realistic charges, which the defense would have to react to.
Again, all hypothetical. For all I know theyre confident in the terrorism charge
But realistically criminal trials are a negotiation, and most of the work happens outside the courtroom
It's pretty standard to charge with the most serious things they can and potentially drop/lower the charges before trial. Maybe theyre trying to get a plea deal or disposition and avoid the trial - 'we'll drop terrorism and the death penalty if you plead to first degree murder and life without' or something like that
Or at least they have his legal team spending time knocking down the more superfluous charges instead of dealing with the meat of it all
Obviously I don't know enough about the situation here to know exactly what's up, but yeah
I think you mean Henry Kissinger
The other answers are both partly right, but to be more specific: The albatross is really good at navigating air currents and ocean winds even when very far out at sea. If you could see an albatross, chances are you were safe from storms and such, and supposedly sailors would even sometimes use them to navigate by to stay safe. Seeing an albatross was good luck - not seeing one for an extended time was bad luck
So the comic inverts that from an Albatrosses point of view. Being followed by ships is an annoyance to them
That's why the Mariner in the poem seems to bring a curse upon his ship when he shoots the albatross - he has literally destroyed a symbol of good fortune
They want these groups to exist, so that there's a class of people that they can feel superior to
But once society starts even slightly addressing the inequality in the most minor ways, they're terrified that their 'superiority' is at risk and they can't cope with that
It's probably because its a civil trial, not a criminal one. So he hasn't been 'convicted' - although personally it's more than enough evidence for me
It sounds like you love one Bethesda game that came out 22 years ago
For me, it's not that the Tories are worse, but you expect it, yknow? In theory, Labour are supposed to stand up for us at least a little bit, so it's something of a betrayal
Youse guys wanna play stickball?
Let's not downplay the threat of the AFD. 20% is a lot - more than enough to at least pull the Overton window to the right, like Reform is doing in the UK